【14】Long Live Mario

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When I arrived at work on Monday, it felt as if I was experiencing some sort of time paradox

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When I arrived at work on Monday, it felt as if I was experiencing some sort of time paradox. The first day I'd been in there felt like yesterday, the memory of it still crystal clear in my mind, but at the same time, so much had happened in the span of a week that I couldn't believe only seven days separated my arrival from today. I had made two friends, Oliver and hopefully, my new roommate, had moved out of my apartment, had started a new job...

Tammy and I had taken the bus together today, and we separated in the elevator as she went upstairs. My first stop was to the break room, where I took out my Dora the Explorer mug from my bag. Proud and touched by Oli's attention, I poured myself some tea before heading out. In the Troll's Lair, I greeted Brian and Joseph, who were already there. All giddy, I sat at my desk and placed my cup before me, ready to start the day. Steven arrived shortly after me, then Oliver. We exchanged a smile when he saw my mug as he went to his desk.

A comfortable routine slowly installed itself during the following days, and my second week went smoothly, with barely any incident – as opposed to the first one. My bus rides were now all done with Tammy, and Oliver joined us on the evening rides. On Wednesday, I invited him to the apartment, so he could see what my installation looked like. He stayed for dinner, we had fettuccini Alfredo, and watched a movie, while Tammy was out having a drink with some friends.

Initially, when I'd asked him to stay for the evening, I hadn't known that Tamika was supposed to leave, and a wave of panic spread through me when I realized it would only be Oli and me. Although I liked him a lot, we barely knew each other, so I wasn't worried he'd attempt a move or something. I surely didn't feel ready for more yet, as I was someone who usually took her time to develop romantic interests.

Even though I loved the movie we'd picked, Watchmen, I spent most of its beginning eyeing Oliver. After he'd made no move whatsoever to get closer to me or flirt, I eventually relaxed and stopped overthinking it. Somehow, his lack of interest was conflictingly frustrating. Was I subconsciously hoping he would? Maybe I didn't feel ready for more yet, but I actually was?

We were sprawled on the couch, miraculously not touching despite being quite close, and as usual, when I was with him, I felt strangely calm. He had a very nice profile, with a delicate nose, and relatively plump lips. His hair was slightly curly, and a little too long, but I liked the casual vibe it gave him. He didn't have any trace of facial hair, as always, and I wondered if it was his preference or if he wasn't able to grow a beard or a stubble. Personally, I enjoyed a clean face better, as it made men look gentler.

Actually, I usually preferred it, but sometimes I had to admit some men could pull it off. Alexander, for instance, was positively dashing with his dark and shortly trimmed stubble. Distracted by the thought of him, I tried to imagine what my boss would look like with a shaved face. He'd probably look younger, like every man, and surely less intense and mysterious. It was hard to guess if it would enhance the sharp blade of his jawline or lessen it.

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