【62】Change of Plans

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My eyelids seemed so fucking heavy when I forced them open, only to close them back instantly

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My eyelids seemed so fucking heavy when I forced them open, only to close them back instantly. The room was too bright. I groaned and stretched my limbs, wincing at the ache running through them. The fuck...? Had I been rolled over by a bus? My head was killing me and my muscles were sore. What was happening to me?

The events of the previous night came back to me, and I mumbled a curse. We'd stayed at the bar until we were basically thrown out, ordering shooters and trying all the cocktails they had on the menu. I vaguely remembered a heated debate about Star Wars versus Star Trek, ending up with Joseph and Brian making everyone in the bar vote for the best franchise.

Whimpering, I forced my eyes to open, batting them until they adapted to the intense light. Shit... Wasn't I supposed to feel this bad after I'd passed my thirties? Twenty-six was too young to be this wrecked by a hangover.

I rolled to the nightstand in search of my phone and froze when I realized this wasn't my room. This one was in red and orange tones, while my room was blue and yellow. What the fuck? Where was I?

Blankly staring at the wall in front of me, I tried to remember what had happened the night before.

It was absolutely certain I'd gone to my own room. I remembered Oli, Joseph, Mace, and I, stumbling in our floor's corridor, shushing each other to make sure we wouldn't wake people up and make a scene. Boss's orders.

But then, why the hell was I here? Next to my phone, I saw a couple of keycards and I grabbed them. The first one was my room's, and the second one was room 504. Shit, I remembered now. After putting myself to bed, a task quite hard given my inebriated state, I had stared at the keycard for a while.

Turned out drunk me didn't give a shit about Lex making amends. That bitch only wanted hot action. I couldn't blame her entirely. Slex was amazing, but what about resolve and not giving in too easily?

Suddenly, I remembered sending him a message. Oh, no... I grabbed my phone, dread invading me, and opened my messages to Lex as quickly as I could.

Utterly shocked, I stared at the five messages I'd sent him.

Today • 01:34 AM
Goinh to the.secrt room 🍆💦👅🍑
Wait no,..
^that one

With my face buried in the pillow, I let a scream of frustration come out of my mouth. Drunk Andy was a fucking idiot. I was never touching alcohol ever again.

Thinking I might have misread or imagined it, I dared to glance back at the screen. Nope, the very embarrassing messages, along with the emoji overkill, were still there. I was so pissed that my pounding headache became irrelevant. Holy shit, I hate myself.

What was even worse? The ridiculous emojis, or how he'd left me on "Read"? Well, I'd sent him the stupidest double-sensed emojis, followed by a hazardous combination of hands. I wanted to ghost myself, so I couldn't exactly blame him.

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