【12】Andy Out

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Thursday flew by, uneventful, except when Oliver insisted on helping me with my move

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Thursday flew by, uneventful, except when Oliver insisted on helping me with my move. I'd refused at first, but then I had remembered how carrying all those boxes up to my floor had nearly killed me the first time around, even with my dad and Kate's help. So in the end, I had accepted his offer, promising to repay him with food at some point.

Our boss had gone back to his upstairs office, and I hadn't crossed his path a single time. Out of sight, out of mind, as they say. Even if the thought of him had crossed my head a few times, it was nothing like having the man in the flesh near me.

When Friday came, I had repacked the few things I had unpacked and was ready to move out. From my estimations, we would need at least two trips to transport all the boxes in my car. Tammy's apartment was on the other side of town, a good twenty-minute drive through downtown. Work was halfway between us, and I was happy I wouldn't lengthen my daily commute – which I would now get to do with my new roommate.

Five thirty couldn't come soon enough, and as soon as it did, Oli and I left together. During the bus trip to my place, we tried to come up with a strategy for optimal efficiency. Although he wasn't skinny, but rather lean and well-proportioned, Oli didn't strike me as a very physical person. Surely, he couldn't be worse than me, so God bless his heart for insisting on helping.

At some point, we drifted to superheroes as we tried to find which one would be the most helpful one in our situation.

Our first instinct was Superman because clearly, he could carry everything at once and fly all the way to my new place in the blink of an eye. The main issue was how we'd bundle my things together, which led us to try to come up with a better option. Someone like Quicksilver or The Flash would also be quite convenient, although I worried about the damages that might occur to my stuff if they were transported at light speed. Eventually, the debate was settled when I pointed out that Dr. Strange's portals might be the best solution. Although he tried, Oli couldn't really come up with a better option.

When we entered my building, my landlady was standing in the hall, her arms crossed. "Miss Walker, I hope you haven't forgotten you have to leave before tomorrow afternoon," she told me in an acerbic tone.

"Oh no, don't worry. That's why I brought muscles," I answered, pointing at Oli, holding back my smile. He sent me a disapproving glance for the teasing but said nothing. He even pushed up his chest a little, to seem more imposing. Oh God, he was adorable...

It was clear the old shrew was unsettled by how relaxed I was. Was she expecting me to come back crawling, accepting her outrageous deal? Wanting to rub it in her face, I continued with a sweet face. "I have to say, I have found the perfect apartment, with the perfect roommate, and I couldn't have done it without you, Mrs. Godfrey, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you."

She looked confused for a moment, and I didn't know if it was from my sarcastically friendly tone or the fact that I'd found a much better place in so little time. "I— Well, good for you, then," she eventually conceded before leaving us.

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