【13】New Apartment, New Me

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For once, since I didn't know how to handle his generosity, I said nothing

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For once, since I didn't know how to handle his generosity, I said nothing. After a brief hesitation, I took the package and carefully ripped open the paper. It was a cardboard box, with nothing written on it. The lid opened easily and a mug revealed itself. I took it out, and a laugh escaped me at the sight of what was on it. It was a Dora the Explorer mug, with a drawing of her, Boots, and a few other characters printed all around it.

With an unshakable smile on my lips, I gazed up at him. "Thanks, Oli, it's perfect," I said, before getting on my tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. He tensed for a second, and a redness slowly crept up his face. Half amused, I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent the smile that threatened to appear. He did like me. This further proof somehow delighted me. He was a great guy, so being fancied by him meant a lot.

Moving away, I waved at him with enthusiasm, pressing his gift against my chest, and reached my car. The two hours I'd just spent with Oli lingered on my mind during the whole drive in the darkening streets of the city. Once I reached my destination, I found a spot to park near my building's entrance. The climb up the stairs was painful, my legs tired by all the day's efforts. As soon as I got into my apartment, I let myself fall on the couch. I had about fifteen boxes left. Including a few small ones that could be carried by loads of two or three. I could do this. I was twenty-six, in the prime of my youth, and I wouldn't let my fat ass win this one.

Gathering some courage, I eventually got up, then went to shower. I still had a few things in my kitchen, so I was able to eat a bowl of lucky charms. My computer was already at Tammy's, so I watched my evening entertainment on my phone. When I eventually decided to go to bed, I was out in less than a minute.

By 9 AM the next day, Saturday, I hated myself for all those years of not treating my body like the temple it was. My legs were sore, and the climbing of the stairs was even worse than the day before. I cleverly decided to alternate between cleaning up and getting a few boxes down, to give my sore body the time to recuperate. At eleven, I proudly watched my incredible work, glad. I had made it on time.

The apartment was empty of my things and clean. Well, it was certainly not clean in my abuela's standard, but Mrs. Godfrey didn't deserve anything more than that. She was lucky I didn't leave the place with dog poop smeared on the walls.

Happy with myself, I went down the stairs one last time and went to my soon-to-be-ex-landlady's office. I knocked on the door, and when she answered, I opened it.

She was busy with something, probably some legal litigation given how the wretched woman was, and barely paid me any mind. "Miss Walker. I hope you left the apartment in the same state you found it."

"Wait, do you mean I have to put back those two dead roaches and the three flies?" I asked with sarcasm. She gave me a very unamused glare, and I came closer to hand her the keys. She took out a paper and told me I had to sign it before leaving. Suspicious, I read it, only to find out it was a pledge of honor, stating I hadn't broken or stolen anything. I signed it gladly and turned back to her, still holding the pen. "I'd say it was a pleasure to have met you," I said with confidence, "but it really wasn't."

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