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Shall we begin?

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Shall we begin?

My mind still nebulous, I looked at Lex in all his might, wondering how a woman like me could get this lucky. Damn... He truly was gorgeous. This man had always been temptation incarnate in my eyes, but right now, he looked properly edible. The lust in his eyes, the flushness of his face, his domineering presence... Every single thing about him seemed perfectly engineered to make me swoon.

As much as I wanted to do this and really begin, I was tempted to ask for a break first. A part of me also questioned if I should tell him we were actually done, as I didn't think I could handle more of this for the night. My mind was swiftly changed when he reached for the collar of his shirt behind his head and slipped it off.

I wondered for half a second why men removed their shirts like this. Was there a consensus among them? Did they know how hot it looked? Did they actually train in front of a mirror to master the technique?

My mind went blank, the questions fading at once, as my mouth watered at the sight of his impressive torso.

As I'd suspected, he was muscular. Lex worked out, and he did it hard. To my greatest satisfaction, he wasn't buff to the point where I'd suspect he devoted his life to the gym or took steroids. His muscles were defined, I could see the outline of his abs, the deep V at his hips, his firm pecs, his shoulders were broad, and his arms strong and well-balanced with the rest of him. However, his body didn't have all those harsh angles or crests gym rats sometimes had. Despite the undeniable hardness of his muscles, they almost looked soft, comfortable. I also liked the fact that he had a thin veil of body hair, covering his chest area and descending in a narrow path to the waistband of his pants.

Okay, if there was anything wrong with Alexander Coleman, his upper body wasn't it. Nor were his oral skills.

The impossible happened, and my desire rose from its ashes, my body already wanting more. I sat up, my spread thighs hooked over his hips, and pressed my palms on his chest, enjoying the firmness of it under his warm skin. When I tilted my head upward, demanding his lips, he obliged, and his mouth found mine again for an ardent kiss. Shameless, I pressed myself against his naked torso, my erect nipples teased by the soft hair on his chest.

Because he was making me greedy like that, I reached for his belt and unbuckled it with a trembling hand. I was far too gone to mistake the shaking of my hands with apprehension. No, that was pure greediness. With a harsh pull, I made the belt pass through the loops and threw it away in the same gesture. I was a girl on a mission. Moving away from his lips, I looked down and focused on getting his pants open. Once more, I was reminded that I'd been naked the whole time, my exposed intimacy inches from his jean-clad erection. He waited, his hands resting high on my outer thighs, his thumbs mechanically grazing my skin, as I unhooked the button and pulled down his zipper. Passing my thumbs under the fabric, I pushed the jeans away, along with his boxers.

His dick sprung out, and my eyes widened at the incredible sight.

The male appendix wasn't a particularly beautiful thing, or at least I'd never thought it was. It was a necessity, and I had never really enjoyed the sight of it. What I had before me, however, was a masterpiece. This was the ultimate proof that God was indeed a woman because only my gender could have been this meticulous about that. She had taken her sweet time when She'd created this particular man, paying keen attention to every detail.

The Desire Variable - Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now