【57】Setting Rules

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Shortly after eleven that night, I was making my way through the almost deserted hallways of the hotel, feeling like an outlaw smuggling some goods

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Shortly after eleven that night, I was making my way through the almost deserted hallways of the hotel, feeling like an outlaw smuggling some goods. I was both the outlaw and the goods. About an hour had passed since I'd come back from our meal outside with the guys. Lex had dined with people he had to meet, while the rest of us had enjoyed some amazing ramen at a Japanese restaurant.

Now, I was walking through the seventh floor, fresh out of the shower, wearing a pair of black leggings, a black hoodie with a Yoda quote on it, "You must unlearn what you have learned", as well as some basic black sneakers. It hadn't been intentional, but I even looked like a smuggler, making me feel ridiculous. My vanity was responsible for my enjoyment of black clothes, thinking it made me look thinner.

A while ago, I had texted Lex to ask what room he was in, so I easily found it. For a few seconds, I stared at the numbers for a moment, 732, my heart beating like a drum under my chest. I felt like a lamb going to the slaughterhouse. But not exactly, though. More like one going to a fun slaughterhouse, where the lamb knew it would have a great time, but it also would be close to dying on several occasions from the overload of fun.

Honestly, I didn't know what to expect.

Lex was a sex machine, and I didn't have the stamina or the ability to match his enthusiasm. This made me seriously wish I could be as tireless as he was because I wanted us to be equal in giving and taking. For once, I wanted him to be the one to beg me to stop. It was unfair that I'd turn into a useless marshmallow after each of my orgasms. I wanted to be fierce and inexhaustible. Maybe all I needed was some practice. Yes, I could maybe reach his level, but I was just very out of shape. The training to get there would certainly be a lot of fun.

Feeling slightly better about myself, I lifted my hand and knocked twice. I waited, my confidence slowly deflating. After our little moment in the plane's bathroom this morning, I had no doubt he'd been anticipating this all day long, just like I'd done. He'd probably imagined all the ways he would fuck me and make me come. I knew I had. God, I would have a limp tomorrow, wouldn't I?

Before I could get in my head too much, the door opened before me. My face was tilted down, so the first thing I saw was his bare feet. I looked up, and for the first time, I understood why women went so crazy when men wore gray sweatpants with nothing under. Damn, that is all mine for the night. Trying to get over the distracting sight of the very visible bulge of his dick, I kept looking up, to notice he was wearing a white T-shirt that fit his shoulders and torso just right, tight in some places, but loose enough to leave some room for imagination. I didn't need to guess what lay underneath, though. Lucky me... I eventually reached his gorgeous face and met his amused gaze behind his glasses. His hair was still wet from a shower, and I couldn't help but bite my lower lip.

He was temptation in the flesh.

"Hi," I said, almost timidly.

He answered with one of his rare smiles, and it made my heart flutter in my chest. Thank God they were rare because those were how babies happened.

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