Dare #52 and #53

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A/N: the dares seemed to flow well together so I'm doing both. Also, Blades doesn't do dares but I'm making an exception for this.

CrazyLinx68 dares:
Whirl, do a bunch of shenanigans for a full day.


Blades, be a mom for a week. Like an actual mom.

Whirl: *her version of an evil laugh in the background*


Heatwave: don't you already act like their mother?

Blades: our whole team does. I just do it better *sashays out*

Chase: Heatwave, would you care for some ice?

*later that morning*

Blades: *servos on hips as he looks up at the ceiling* Whirl, sweetie, why in the world are you up there?

Whirl: I have learned that superglue is much stronger than I thought.


Blades: Whirl, I thought I told you and Medix to wax this floor.

Whirl: *using sponges as skates along the floor* we are! But with some pizazz!

Medix: *gracefully skates once around Blades* ever heard the term "work efficiently, not forcefully"?

Blades: it's "work smarter, not harder", sweetie.

Medix: exactly! *skates around some more*

Wedge: *carrying some tools and shrieks as he slips, falling onto his aft as the tools fall on top of him*

Blades: *mom mode: activated* *epically slides over to Wedge and helps him up* are you okay sweetie? Did you hurt yourself?? Do you have any boo-boo's???

Hotshot: *overhears that and falls over shrieking in laughter*

Wedge: *brushes Blades off of him* yeah I'm fine *bends over to grab his tools but slips again and ends up faceplanting the floor*

Whirl: *skates past* hey careful there's some wax there.

Wedge: *muffled* thanks for the tip.

Blades: *picks up Wedge and rests him against his hip* I'll escort you sweetie *picks up the tools and walks out with a 100% done Wedge in his arms*

Medix and Whirl: *accidentally slam into each other in the background*

Hotshot and Hoist: *immediately come to their aid but end up slipping and falling on their afts*

Blades: *from down the hall* caution signs work wonders!!!

*that evening*

Whirl: *throwing a dance party in the break area with the rest of her team*

Blades: *literally leaning against the doorway making sure no one gets hurt*

Whirl: *jumps down onto the dancefloor and starts doing. . . . . this*


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