Ask #75

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TF_NovaStar asks:
HOTSHOT, HOIST, WEDGE! What're your girls like when they're sick? Like, are they cranky, needy, yapping like rattdogs(lol) or are they the ever-so-rare polite sickies?

TheBros: *supposedly on the top of the Griffin monument on Griffin Rock, for obvious reasons of course*

Wedge: *suddenly remembered his fear of heights* MISTAKES WERE MADE-

Hotshot: relax bro if you fall I might catch you.

Wedge: . . .ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ?

Hoist: well the girls can't find us up here so I think we're safe. Who wants to start?

TheBros: *s i l e n c e*

Hoist: *•-•* well guess I'm going first... *clears throat* Whirl gets sick on occasion, but it goes away quickly. She's not necessarily stubborn but it takes a bit of work to get her to admit that she is sick. She's very quiet about it since she is a hard worker. The rare times that she is actually sick isn't so bad. She's actually really sweet and appreciates any help. There was one time she was so sick that she couldn't move. I stayed by her whenever I could and I always made sure she was getting what she needed. She does the same for me so it's only natural that I do it back. Oh and after that bit of her being sick, she rewarded me with millions of smooches *cute smile*

Wedge: I wish I could say the same about Scorch. When he's sick it's either "OH MY GOD I'M GONNA DIE" when he's got a slight fever or "I'm fine leave me alone" then proceeding to pass out. Scorch hates getting sick, which is understandable. He's pretty stubborn about it. The only time he ever cooperates is if he can't move at all. Granted, he'd run his mouth, but that's what audioplugs are for. I do try to take care of him as best as I can but I will admit that he is no easy patient. Yet when I get sick, it's like his ego has left the building and his overly caring side just suddenly activates *looks at camera* I know what you're all thinking and yes I thought it too, "Scorch is caring??"

Hotshot: *snorts a bit at that* well strap yourselves in because Medix is something different. Medix is a medic. Which means that every time she starts feeling off, she immediately finds what she needs and takes care of herself. No questions asked. But when she gets really sick, she doesn't let that stop her. She lets everyone know what she has and would continue on like nothing happened. Oh and if you couldn't tell, she's stubborn about it too. She'll try getting out of the berth to go work on something and I have to drag her back so that she can rest. Now the good news is that she can tell me exactly what's wrong and what she needs. The bad news is that she can tell me exactly what's wrong and what she needs.

TheBrothers: uh-

Hotshot: I know what I said. She uses medical terms.

TheBrothers: ohhhhh

Hotshot: *sighs heavily* when I try to tell her to use different words she just makes it more confusing. When I finally tell her to speak unga bunga, then I go and get what she needs. But when I get back and give her whatever she needed, the process repeats and apparently I grabbed the wrong thing. It always makes me feel like an idiot and I always dreaded the times she would get sick...

Hoist: have you ever talked to her about that?

Hotshot: I did recently. She realized she was being a jerk and apologized. I haven't experienced these new terms with her yet because she hasn't been sick since then, but before we left she said that she wasn't feeling well and needed to rest.

Wedge: so we should probably head back so that you can go be her personal nurse *winks*

Hotshot: *rolls optics playfully* I'll make sure to wear the nurse outfit too.

TheBros: *laughing as they head down the mountain*


Hotshot: *suddenly coming to the lounge with a bottle of Tylenol, laughing* I'm an idiot.

TheBrothers: *pause Mario Kart*

Wedge: what did you do?

Hotshot: so you know how I said that the medical terms Medix was using was confusing to me?

TheBrothers: yeah?

Hotshot: turns out that over-the-counter drugs have other names too. So when she said "Acetaminophen" I gave up and said that she can find it herself because I knew we didn't have any medicine that was like that. She calmly told me to head to the medbay, open the medicine drawer, find the big red box that says "Tylenol", and then read below it. Guys, it says "Acetaminophen" underneath it I'm such an idiot *laughing*

Hoist: *looks at Wedge* should we tell him that Midol has Acetaminophen in it too?

Wedge: nah, just let him figure that out on his own

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