Chapter 4: "Frequency"

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(Chapter 4)

Monday, February 16

Jillian shoved the love letter into her pocket.
She took a deep breath before walking back into the house.

Jillian shut the front door behind her.

"Was there mail?" Luke asked.

She jumped a bit.

"Uh, yeah. There wasn't much."

She handed the letters to Luke.

"Were you expecting something?" She asked him.

"Actually, yeah, just a bank statement. It's right here."

He looked up at her.
"Are you okay? Did you see a ghost or something out there?"

"I'm fine," she replied.

"Your hands are shaking," he sounded concerned.

"I'm just cold. I'm going to go up to my room now," Jillian quickly went up the stairs to her bedroom.

About an hour later, Jillian heard her door open.

"Jill?" Jesse came in.


"Luke said you were upset earlier."

"No, I'm fine. Just been a long day," Jillian answered.

"He said something happened at the mailbox. I don't know what the fuck that means."

"I don't know, your boyfriends pretty weird."

Jesse rolled her eyes.
"I know. So, what's up?"

"I fought with Sawyer today at school," Jillian told her.

"Did he yell at you?"

"Only because I started it."

"Did he put something in the mailbox?"

"... I don't know."

"Did you get a letter or something that upset you?"

Suddenly, Shae came through the door.

"What happened? What's going on?!" She asked frantically.

Jillian sighed.
"I got another Admirer note in the mail.

"What?" Jesse asked, confused.

"What did it say?" Shae asked.

Jillian handed the letter to Shae, who then read it aloud.

"I'm telling you, these notes are getting weirder and weirder," Jillian said.

"I'll admit this one is unusual," Jesse commented.

"But... Jill, it's not like they're threatening you," Shae reasoned.

"I don't like that this person knows where I live," Jillian said.

"Well, that just proves that this person knows you well enough to know your address, they shouldn't be a threat to you," Shae said.

"Of they could've followed me home at some point," Jillian pointed out.

"Let me see the envelope," Jesse interjected.

Shae handed it over.

"There's no return address," Jesse noticed.

"Well, duh," Shae replied.

Jillian took the envelope from her sister.

"No, there's no address at all on it; no stamp either. This person was outside my house tonight and put it in the mailbox themselves."

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