Chapter 27: "My Demons"

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(Chapter 27)
"My Demons"

Wednesday, April 8

"OH, MY-"

The Admirer slammed her back into the lockers with his hand covering her mouth.
When Jillian tried to break free, he pinched her nose closed, suffocating her.

As soon as Jillian raised her leg to kick, the Admirer, still suffocating her, pushed his body backwards, missing her blow.

Not working!

Jillian forced her body down, temporarily breaking free from his grasp and swept his leg causing him to fall over hard against the floor.


The Admirer grabbed her leg, causing her to fall.
Pulling with great strength, he slid her across the floor and grabbed her throat with both hands


His grip became tighter.
Jillian felt her world start to go


Suddenly, Jillian could breathe again

She instinctively fell over, desperately gasping for air.
She finally looked up to see Shae holding a baseball bat.

"Jillian!" Shae yelped.

Jillian started coughing.

Shae helped her up and she looked down to see the Admirer collapsed on the floor, not moving.

"I hit him! I hit his head with the bat!"

Jillian still couldn't speak, she just held on to Shae like a life preserver.
Jillian watched in horror as the Admirer slowly got up and raced out the back door

Shit! No!

Jillian fell to her knees and passed out.


In the emergency room, Shae, in a total panic, argued with the nurse.

"Why isn't she waking up?!" Shae demanded.

"She experienced severe oxygen deprivation," the nurse explained.

"The paramedic did CPR the whole ride here, you've been giving her air all this time; why is she still unconscious?!"

Suddenly, the room filled with the sound of a flatline.

"Shit!" The nurse exclaimed.

"No!" Shae cried out.


A doctor came rushing in.
"I got it, get her out of here."

"Come on, hon, you need to leave," the nurse told Shae.


"I'm sorry, you can't be here."

"No, I can't leave her!"

"You need to either leave now or you will be forcibly removed."

Shae glared at her and clenched her jaw.

In the waiting room, Shae was in tears.

"Shae? Shae?! Shae!" Darren searched the floor calling her name I before he finally spotted her.

"She..." Shae started.

"Where is she?!"

"... room over there," Shae told him. "No, wait, you can't go in!"

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