Chapter 13: "The Order"

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(Chapter 13)
"The Order"

Wednesday, February 25

"Are you ready?" Shae asked Jillian.

They were both in Jillian's bedroom getting ready for school.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Did you get any sleep?"

"Yeah, like I was going to sleep after that."

"You don't have to come with me if you don't want to."

"I might as well. I'm not doing anything here."

"Have you told Darren what happened?"

"I sent him a text a couple hours ago. I'm guessing he isn't awake yet."

Jillian's phone buzzed.

Jillian: I was attacked last night.

Darren: By the Admirer? What the fuck, are you okay?

Jillian: Yeah. He broke into my house and into my room

Darren: Where was your sister and her boyfriend?

Jillian: Hiding in their bedroom with Shae.
I told them not to come out until I said so.
I thought if I cornered the guy I could get him to reveal himself.

Darren: So, what happened?

Jillian: I attacked him, he attacked me, he almost strangled me, I punched him in the face, then he ran out of the house.

Darren: You punched him in the face?

Jillian: Yeah.

Darren: Hard?

Jillian: Well, as hard as I could. Why?

Darren: A hit like that... has to leave a mark, right?

Jillian: Wait.
So the Admirer must have a bruise on his face.

Darren: Exactly.

"Shae! I punched him in the face!" Jillian exclaimed.

"So, there has to be a bruise right? Or a black eye?"

"I would hope. But, he could've hid it with makeup."

"It's still worth investigating," Shae shrugged.

"Alright. Let's go."


"Hey, Travis.... Travis? ... Travis!" Jillian tried to get his attention.

"Hm? ... Oh, hi."

"You alright?"

"Yeah, Fine."


Jillian's phone buzzed in her pocket.
She pulled it out under the table.

Darren: Didn't think you'd come in today.

Jillian: Staying home wasn't going to do any good.

Darren: It's good to see you.

Jillian: It's good to see you, too.

"Alright, we're moving on to action potential," Mr. Burke told the class.


"Make sure you can draw and label the graph," he continued.

"Travis? ... Travis?" Jillian turned to him.

Written in the StarsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ