Chapter 1: "Impossible Year"

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(Chapter 1)
"Impossible Year"

Sunday, August 25

"How do you feel about going back?" Rebecca asked.

"One more year and we're done is how I feel," Indigo crossed her arms.

"Senior year is just nine months of intense anticipation," Stella stated.

"I agree," Jaime nodded.

"So do I," Cassiopeia agreed.

Cassiopeia and Indigo, Stella, Rebecca, and Jaime all sat together in her bedroom.

"This year will go by fast," Rebecca assured.

"Assuming nothing goes wrong," Stella commented.

"What could go wrong?" Jaime shrugged.

"Great, Jaime just jinxed us all," Indigo rolled her eyes.

"Oh, calm down, we'll all make it through," Jaime told her.

"Then nothing will be holding us back," Stella declared.

"Yes!" Jaime agreed.

"Whatever this year throws at us, we'll get through it together," Rebecca said.

"Always," Cassiopeia smiled.

Monday, August 26

"Hey!" Stella came up to Cassiopeia in the hallway at school.

"Hey, there you are."

"Hey, Cassie," Derek said to her.

Derek Ryan, Stella's boyfriend.
They've been together for about a year now.
Whenever he's around, Stella lights up.

"Hey, Derek," Cassiopeia said back.

"Indigo!" Stella greeted her when she walked up.

"How are you so chipper for Monday morning?" She rubbed her forehead. "Oh, hey Derek."


"Who were you just looking for?" Stella asked her.

"Uh, no one."

"Uh, I think I see no one down the hall."

Indigo turned her head.

Jay Stevens.
Honestly, he's gorgeous.
It's not hard to see why Indigo developed an obsession with him.
Indigo isn't the kind of girl that would chase any guy, ever.
But, as she says, there's just something about him that drives her crazy.

"I'll uh, catch up with you guys later," she took off.

"Hey," Jaime joined them.

"Hey, Jaime," Stella turned to her.

"You alright?" Cassiopeia asked.

Jaime nodded towards a boy hanging back against the lockers.

Jacob Handley.
He's Jaime's ex.
They've been on and off together for almost all of high school.

"What's the problem?" Stella shrugged.

"Lately he's been acting weird," Jaime explained.

"Weird, how?"

"Weird like acting clingy. He's been desperate for attention."

"I don't get why you don't just cut him loose for good."

"I've been trying. But, he's convinced I'll always go back to him."

"Because you always do."

"Oh, come on, I haven't for a long time. I don't want to be bound to him for life, I wish he would just let go. God, I just want out of this school."

"Why are you so desperate to get out of here?"

"I just need to move on from here."

"Lance is over there."

Lance King.
He's been Jaime's crush for a while.

"I don't know. I kind of have my eye on someone else. Uh, hey, have you seen the teachers yet?"

Joseph Mitchell.
He's the math teacher.

James Quinlan.
He teaches chemistry.

Joshua Walker.
He's the English teacher.

"Eh, teachers don't matter," Stella shrugged.

"I agree. No one takes an interest in them," Cassiopeia said.

"Well, whatever. I'll see you guys later."

"Do you think she's okay?" Stella asked Cassiopeia.

"She's fine. She's just anxious to graduate; we all are."

Everyone heard the bell ring.

"See you later, Cass."

"Yeah, sure."


"Hey, everyone. I'm glad to be teaching this class," James Quinlan addressed.

"How do you feel about chemistry?" The boy sitting next to Cassiopeia turned to her.

Her eyes widened when she faced him.

He was stunning.
He had a perfectly chiseled jawline, dark brown slicked back hair, and gorgeous hazel eyes.

"M-me?" She stammered.

"Yes, you."

"I'm interested."

"So am I. It's going to be my major in college. I'm Oliver."

"Cassiopeia. But, everyone calls me Cassie."

"Cassiopeia like the constellation?"

"Yeah. My father is an astronomer."

"That's pretty cool. And it's a beautiful name."

"Thank you," she involuntarily giggled.

He winked at her.

Saturday, September 7

"Well, our first week is done," Rebecca exhaled.

"Thank god," Indigo sighed.

"We still have so much more to go," Jaime groaned.

"God, am I going to have to listen to you guys complain all year?" Stella crossed her arms.

"Oh, lighten up," Indigo rolled her eyes.

"What do you want to do tonight?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Want to play a game or something?" Stella suggested.

"What game?" Rebecca shrugged.

"How about truth or dare?" Indigo replied.


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