Chapter 19: "Bringing It Down"

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(Chapter 19)
"Bringing It Down"

When things seem too good to be true... they never truly last.
It's like you're always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
And now Jillian realises... this was never truly over.

Saturday, March 14

Jillian's heart nearly stopped as a couple people cleared, revealing a man in a skull mask... staring right at her.

Jillian immediately turned and ran out the door.

Outside the school, Darren quickly caught up with her.

"Jillian! What happened? Why'd you run out?"

"I saw..."

"Oh, my god, you're shaking, what's wrong?"

"A guy..." Jillian trembled.

"What? What did you see?"

"There was a guy in a skull mask."


"There was a guy in there with a skull mask and he was watching me!"

"I didn't see anyone."

Shae and Jackson came out the door after them.

"Jillian? What happened? Why'd you run away?" Shae questioned.

"She saw someone in there with a skull mask on," Darren told her.

"You did? I didn't see anyone with a skull mask."

"I didn't either," Jackson added.

"He was looking right at me!" Jillian insisted.

"Jill, Cameron is gone. He's in jail. Maybe you just imagined it," Shae assured.

"I didn't imagine it!"

"I think Shae's right. You went through something extremely traumatic, your mind was probably playing tricks on you, maybe due to the fact that everyone had masks on tonight, so it reminded you of that skull mask he wore," Darren explained.

"You don't believe me?!" Jillian accused.

"We believe you! We just don't think what you saw was really there," Shae offered.

"It's late, maybe we should just go home now," Darren suggested.

"I'll go get the limo," Jackson said.

Later, Darren walked Jillian back into her house.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Maybe I did just imagine it."

"It's understandable."

"Thanks for tonight. It was really great... up until I ruined it."

Darren tilted her chin up.
"Hey... you didn't ruin it. And regardless, we still had a really good time tonight."

"Yeah... we did."

"Get changed and get some rest, okay?"

"I will. Thank you."

"I love you," he kissed her.

"I love you, too."

When Darren left, Jesse joined Jillian in the living room.

"Hey! How was the dance?" Jesse asked her.

"It was really great until the end."

"What happened?"

Jillian told her everything that went down.

"And no one else saw him?" Jesse perplexed.


"Well, maybe you-"

"Don't you dare say I imagined it, I know what I saw."

"Well, what do you want me to say?"

"I don't know," Jillian sighed. "Are you sure... are you sure Cameron is locked up?"

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm sure. I saw him led out of the house in handcuffs."

"But, what happened to him afterwards?"

"Afterwards? He's in jail, Jillian."

"I haven't asked."

"Why not?"

"Because this things been settled, Jill! I don't want anything else to do with this case!"

"I'm calling and asking."

"No... don't. I will," Jesse sighed.

"Thank you."

Jesse pulled out her phone and dialed the police station.

"Hi my name is Jesse Taylor, can I ask for an update on my case file?
Well actually it's my sister's case, Jillian.
Two weeks ago.
We just wanted to... well can I just speak to the arresting officer?
Officer Bryant.
Hi, Bryant, it's Jesse.
She's doing very well now, actually.
Well, look, the reason I called is because we wanted an update on Cameron Blake.
Oh, okay.
Well, yeah.
Alright, good.
Uh, well, she thought she saw someone wearing the same mask he had worn and just wanted some peace of mind.
Yeah I definitely have your number.
Alright, thank you."

Jesse hung up the phone.

"Jillian, he's locked up in prison in the next town over. They would've notified us if there was any kind of escape attempt."

"He's going to get out some day, though."


"Well, isn't he?"

"Well, I mean, yes. But, you have a restraining order against him. And that's not for at least another ten years."


"Jillian, the important thing is that now - right now - you're totally safe. Cameron is gone, his family moved out of that house, there is no one around who wants to hurt you. You're safe."

"Then who was at the dance?"

"I don't know. Look, if you see this guy again, whoever he was, we can call the police. But, for now, you just need to try to relax."

"Alright, fine."

"Go get some sleep."

In her bedroom, Jillian got changed out of her dress and sat on her bed.
She sighed.

Pull it together.
This thing is over.
Isn't it?

Jillian laid back and closed her eyes.

Outside, the masked Admirer stood on the sidewalk... looking right at the house.


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