Chapter 32: "Monster"

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(Chapter 32)

Friday, June 5

"WHAT THE FUCK, SAWYER?!" Jillian screamed.

Sawyer laughed.

"You son of a bitch, you tried to kill me!"

"Tried... I would've succeeded if it weren't for Shae."


"Why? Why did you throw away our two year relationship? You tossed me aside like I was nothing! Then you jump on the next dick you can find."

"Don't you dare talk about him like rhat!" She warned.

"I'm not. I'm talking about you."

"Why would you help Cameron?"

"When you told me you were getting love notes I had a feeling he was behind it. I confronted him and he confessed but urged me not to tell you because he was doing it as a joke. So he wanted my help to break into your room so he could do it again the next day. I was pissed off at you Jillian. I don't care if it was actually a joke or not, I wanted to get back at you. He let me in on the whole thing. One stupid tiny drunken mistake and you threw away two years together. Do you realise how that felt?!" He ranted.

"Sawyer, Cameron used you. He played you. He bribed that girl to come on to you at that party so I'd break up with you and he'd have me to himself. He wanted you in on it so you wouldn't realise he was being sincere."

His expression fell.
"He... bribed that girl?"


"I... it... it doesn't matter!! You still abandoned me! And it's even worse you found out I was bait and you still continued to see Darren."

"I've been happier with Darren the last few months than I ever was with you for the last few years. We built a relationship, I wasn't going to leave him, I'm never going to leave him. I love him."

"Enough! You're a cold bitch," he growled.

"You tried to kill me!" She yelled at him.

"I think I gave you too much credit. Cameron called me and told me to back off. That I had no business "stalking" you and I should move on. Why do you think he suddenly had a change of heart and became apologetic the next time you went to see him? He knew he could do nothing to really stop me, he knew I planned to kill you. Look at him and look at me. I'm bigger, I'm way stronger, and he knew I had a vendetta. You did this to me! You broke my fucking heart. You ruined everything, you ruined us. The last two years of my life were a waste. You gave up everything, you walked away, you treated me like I was nothing, you said you loved me but you left. You ruined my life so I plan to take yours away. When you stopped loving me, I started hating you."


"Stop! There's no excuse you could possibly give me to justify what you did."

"So, what you plan to just kill me now?"

"That's right."

"Here. In my room, with a house full of people."

"It'll be quick."

"How could you hurt me if you love me?"

"Because I don't love you, Jillian. Not anymore."


"Don't bother screaming either. Jesse and Luke left and everyone's too loud outside. They won't hear you."

"How could you think you're going to get away with this?"

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