Chapter 25: "Die for You"

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(Chapter 25)
"Die For You"

Tuesday, March 17

"I'm really sorry about all this," Darren told Jesse.

The two of them were talking in Jesse's living room after Jillian had fallen asleep.

"She should've told me, it's not your fault," Jesse replied.

"I'm still worried," Darren sighed.

"After everything you've told me, I'm not surprised. I don't know where we go from here."

"I don't either."

"Maybe we do nothing."


"Well, nothings happened yet. I mean, you're just going by the inference you've made by a crazy guys conversation in a prison."

"Well, I guess, but... even if this guy isn't wearing a mask, it doesn't mean she's not being watched by him."

"You can't just protect her from every guy who looks her way. Maybe this thing will blow over."

"I guess there's nothing we can do unless something actually happens."

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she finally fell asleep."

"I really appreciate you taking care of her."

"You know how much I love her."

"I do. It's just nice having someone else be responsible over her once in a while."

"She is an adult now."

"I know she is. I've looked out for her her whole life, turning eighteen doesn't mean I suddenly stop."

"She is a handful."

"She can be. She's stubborn as hell."

"No kidding."

"You have a really big influence on her though. I've never seen her happier in her life, including the years she was with Sawyer. She loves you a great deal."

"I know she does. I should get going though."

"Have a good night."

"You too. Thanks, Jesse."

Wednesday, March 18

"How're you feeling?" Shae asked Jillian in the hallway.

"Better, I guess. Darren stayed with me last night until I fell asleep," she told her.

"I hope you stop going to see him now."

"I will. I'm hoping this thing is finally over now."

"I think it may be. At least, I hope."

"I do, too."

"Just... keep your guard up. Just in case."

"I will. Thank you."


"So, now we're moving on to photosynthesis," Mr. Burke announced.

God, kill me now.

"You doing okay?" Travis asked Jillian.

"Yeah, why?"

"You've been pretty quiet lately."

"I'm fine, really."

"Okay, good."

He's been acting pretty normal lately.

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