Chapter 19: "If I Lose Myself"

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(Chapter 19)
"If I Lose Myself"

Saturday, March 2nd

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Brielle nearly yelled.

"Shhh! If you wake her up you'll have to deal with her and I won't be here to protect you from her," Shae warned.

"You won't be here at all! You're going to get yourself killed!"

"I'll be fine."

"Did you see what he did to our friends?! This guy is evil, he's sadistic, he's violent, and you're no match against him."

"I have to do this. Who do you want killed next? Emma? Jillian? You? I have to do this for the rest of us."

"Then, I have to go with you."

"No. You need to stay here with Emma. And by stay here, I mean STAY HERE. No leaving."

"You can't do this."

"Yes, I can."

"Do you know what Jackson or Jillian would do to me if I let you go?"

"Nothing as bad as what that killer will do to you if we don't find him."

"How are you even hoping to find him?!"

"The lockdown was called immediately after Sarah was found. There's no way the guy would have the time to get changed out of that skeleton suit, and ditch it along with a knife and still be able to slip back into their dorm room. Gilbert is right inbetween Richards and deChant. The guy would've had to quickly get into Gilbert and hide there until the lockdown is over. I'm going to break into Gilbert and go find him."

"That building has like a hundred classrooms, plus the teachers lounge."

"Well, I have at least until morning to find him."

"What are you even going to do if you find him?"

"I won't confront him, I'll just go find him, try to see who it is, or try to find some kind of evidence, and then try to get out before he sees me."

"What are you going to do about the teachers' lockers? How are you going to break into them?"

"I have a lock pick."

"How are you going to get into the building?"

"I'll break into a window or pick the lock on a back door."

Brielle sighed.
"Is there absolutely anything I could possibly say to get you to not do this?"

"No. No one can stop me either, everyone's locked in their rooms and Jillian is locked out of campus."

"You still need to tell someone where you're going. What if something goes wrong and you need help? I can't leave to go help you because I have Emma here."

"Fine. I'll tell Jillian. If something goes wrong she'll know what to do to get me help."

Shae: I'm going to break into Gilbert and go find the killer.

Jillian: Have you gone fucking batshit insane?!

Shae: I'm doing this.

Jillian: Shae, no!

Shae: Jillian, I have to.

Jillian: Says who?!

Shae: Me. I'm not letting anyone else be killed.

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