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It's been 2 days since Amari and I had the conversation. In all honesty shit has been heavy on mind, I wanna know everything. I hate being confused or not knowing something.

I asked T for Amari's number, she sent it and I was debating if I should call her now or later.
After debating for like 6 mins, I called her.
I clicked her number but her names was already in my phone as MyLittleOne🗝💕
I hit the call button and on the 2nd ring she answered

"Hello!!" She said

"Hey Amari, it's Indigo..." I said

"How may I assist you??"  She asked

"I wanted to meet up and talk about this book. I need your help to remember things..." I said

"I'll text you the address in the next hour or two..." she says before hanging up

After that I finally relaxed. I started watching movies on BET for like 2 hours then I got a text from Amari.

MyLittleOne🗝💕~ Meet me @ Chick-Fil-A in a hour.

Me~ okay

So I got off the couch and decided to put on some clothes. Since I got out the shower this morning, I only had on some briefs and a sport bra. I pick out a white Tee, light ripped jeans, socks and some slides. I really didn't feel like getting all dressed, today is a chill day. It took me like 45 minutes to get ready because I didn't know my hair was that tangled until I tried to fluff my bun. So I had to take the time out to detangle my hair, then I put it back into a bun. After that I sprayed some cologne on and then I was on my way.
It took me a good 20 minutes to get there, because traffic was backed up. When I made it there, I grabbed the book, went in and looked around.
At first I didn't see her until she lifted her arms and waved me over.

"Hey..." I said sitting across from her

"Hey..." she said with a small smile sipping on some pink lemonade

"This is yours..." I said handing her the book

She grabbed it and looked at me.

"What you want to know??" She asked

"I wanna know about what you wrote in there. There's things in there that only a few people know, things I don't remember telling you. I wanna know the story, how it all happened..." I said looking at her

"Well we can start with the beginning I
guess..." she turning to the first page

"This is basically of what I could remember about the night I met you. I couldn't remember all cuz I was lowkey drunk. My friend Logan left me for a dick appointment and a man tried to get me to have sex with him but I ain't wanna so he became pushy. That's when you came and basically fake like you was my friend and you was looking for me and blah blah blah. He wouldn't let me go so you knocked him out..." she looking at me

"You didn't read from the book..." I said pointing at the book

"See I wrote it so I know the order. In the book I was basically pouring out my feelings about things, it made it longer but when I explained I get straight to the point..." she said as I nodded

A waiter came we ordered food and she basically gave me the run down of that night!!

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