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It's been 2 days since I last seen and talk to Indigo. I can't find out where she is because some how my GPS isn't locating her. But I know for sure she's with one of her friends.
Currently I'm at Big G's warehouse, and he's gonna be asking us about that night. Honestly that night was a big ass blur, a lot of shit happened but I'm here to tell what I can remember.

"Big G, will like to see y'all..." one of his girls said leading the way to his office

We made it in there, and he wasn't even in his office . We heard his bathroom door open, we turned our heads it was him coming out.

"So what the fuck happened, and don't fucking lie. Cuz if y'all do so help me god??" Big G said looking at us

"Big G where is Jude? He was there that night too..." Reed said and we both looked at him

"I'm the only mutherfucker asking questions and the only mutherfucker looking for answers..." Big G said sitting in his chair then faced us
"Talk..." Big G said looking at us

"So we as at my house just smoking and chilling. I had invited Indigo ova to spend the night with me. When she made it to my house, she ask who was cars was parked in my driveway, and I told her they were my people. So she came in and was just chilling with us..." I said

"Apparently Jude was too high or some cuz he started touching on her. The first time she told him to stop cuz she don't roll like that . He did it again and she punched him in his shit. At that moment it was obvious that all of us was thinking the same thing. So Jude and I started hitting her. We was finna knock her out then bring her here, but she fought hard and got away..." Reed said finishing off

"How she get away??" Big G asked

"I told you she fought her way out. Heads up when you get someone to kidnap her they gone have to come on with it cuz she fights like a man and she's strong as shit..." Reed said looking at Big G

"Is she the one broke Jude nose??" Big G asked

"Yep..." I said popping the "p" at the end

"So where is she now??" He asked looking at me

"I don't know, the GPS I put on her phone is not locating her..." I said looking at my phone

"How you lose her??" He asked looking at me like I was dumb

"Look Big G, the GPS isn't locating her. But I know she's at one of her lil friends house cuz she haven't been home since that night..." I said looking at at him slightly annoyed

"Well it's your job to locate her. When you find her keep a eye on her, don't lose her again. Tell me where she's been and we can make a plan from there..." he said

I nodded to let him know I heard him.

"We done??" I asked looking at him

"Why, You got somewhere better to be??" He asked looking at me

"Honestly yes..." I said lowkey rolling my eyes

"Get out..." he said to both of us

We got up and left out his office.

"What's wrong with you talking to him like that??" Reed asked looking at me

"The fuck, you must be scared of him pussy..." I said looking at him

"Nawl, I'm just saying he's your boss..." he said as we walked out the door

"Fuck him and you. Anyways I'm my own damn boss, he just pay me..." I said getting in my car and shutting my door

I started my car and pulled off. Honestly this shit is crazy cuz I was starting to like Indigo a little but I gotta do my job. That's why I hate jobs like this. You can never get attached to someone cuz you never know. I needed to go to Walmart but honestly I don't feel like it so I'll go later on. It took me all of 35 minutes to get home. When I got there I took off my clothes and got in my bed. My period is on and my stomach is hurting like crazy. I hate how bad I cramp when my period is on. I cut on my tv and started watching tv until I dozed off.
When I woke up I looked at my phone. I've been sleep for 3 whole hours. I had 3 missed calls and 2 iMessages. I opened my phone and all them where from Reed 2 hours ago. I looked at the messages first cuz I ain't feel like talking.

Reed ~ I just seen Indigo in Walmart!!
Reed ~ DAWNNN???

Me~ Did you see who she was with?

After texting him back I got up to use the bathroom. When I got done I put on sanitizer, went back to my room, and grabbed my phone.

Reed ~ She was with a short caramel girl with a tattoo on her thigh.
(He then sent pictures of Indigo and Amari walking in and out of Walmart)

Me ~ I know who that is, but did you see where they went?

Reed ~ Yeah, I followed them!!
( He sent me the address and a picture of the house they went into)

Me ~ Good shit Reed👍🏼

After texting him I went into my kitchen to find me some to eat cuz I was hungry. I looked in the refrigerator and decided on fixing myself  some chicken nuggets and fries. I cut on my grease and waiting until it got hot. Then I put in my nuggets first, when they were done I put in my fries. Once everything was done I fixed my plate & drink then went into my front room. I watched That's So Raven while I ate my food. While eating I was thinking and I made up a plan to get Indigo. I put Big G, Reed and I in a groupchat and told them the plan I was thinking. They said it was a good one but we had to meet up with the team to put it all into play.


*Later that day

I was on my way back to the warehouse so we can talk about the plan. Big G wanted this done asap so this weekend is when we will put the plan in action. I arrived to the warehouse. I got out my car, did the secret knock on the door, someone opened it and I went in. We all sat in the living room/ waiting area of the warehouse until everyone arrived. When everyone got there Big G called all of us to the back. Once we got to the room we all sat down and Big G stood at the end of the table.

"So as y'all know we've been working on bringing my daughter to me..." Big G said as some nodded and others said "yeah"

"Okay so Dawn has made up a plan to get
her..." he said signaling me to tell them the plan

I explained the plan to everyone. We all talk and other put there 2 cents in. We laid out everything and planned how we were going to do it. We got everything together and left out. This Saturday night was when we were going to put the plan in action. After that meeting I left, went to Walmart got what I needed and headed home.


*Saturday 👀

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