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We've been at the beach for bout 3 hours. We been playing in the water and we are full of sand. We were all was tired and ready to eat. We gathered our things and started walking back to the hotel.

"I ain't tryna know your business..." Mari started singing

"I ain't tryna fall in love with you..." Juice sung

"See maybe he can love you different..." Sanjay sung

"But I'm just tryna fuck with you..." T sung

"And girl I'm tryna hit that pussy..." I sung


We continued singing songs until we made it to the hotel door. We all got in the elevator.

"Y'all want me to find a good place we can eat dinner??" T asked looking at us

"Hell yeah..." Mari and I said at the same time

"Alright..." she says pulling out her phone

The elevator door opened and we all got off.

"Text me if you find a place..." I said as Dawn and I stopped at our room

T nodded as she continued walking to her room.

"Showerrrrr..." Dawn said running to the bathroom making me laugh

"Don't take to long cuz I have sand in unwanted places..." I said making her laugh

"I gotchu..." she said as I heard the shower running

While she was in the shower I decided to find clothes I wanted to put on for the day and clothes to put on when I get out the shower.
After finding my clothes I got a text. T had made a group chat with Mari, Juice, Jilly, Aja, herself and I.

T: Y'all wanna go get some to eat right now then later put on good clothes and go out??

Juice: Jilly & I down with that

Mari: We down

Me: Sure

T: Give is 30 mins then we can get some to eat

In the next 10 mins Dawn finally got out

"I'm done..." Dawn said coming out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around herself

I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom. I turned the shower on, put on some music then I got in. I took a 25 minute shower, it felt so good. When I got out I sung and danced to air dry. When I was fully dry I put on my clothes then left out the bathroom.

"Did they ever figure out what we was going to do??" Dawn asked laying on the bed on her phone

"We decided on just getting some to eat from somewhere and go out later tonight..." I said as I put up my dirty clothes, she nodded

I laid back in the bed and strolled on my phone until T text in the group chat and asked was we ready. Everybody was ready. So we all meet at the elevator.

"I feel so better after that shower cuz sand was everywhere..." Amari said fixing her shirt

"Right, had sand in unwanted places..." I said making them laugh

"Soooo, T what did you find for us to eat??"Juice asked

"I found a seafood place, Mexican place and a Chinese place close by..." T said as the elevator door opened
"Seafood??" T asked looking at us

"Ion care..." Amari said

"Yeah..." Juice said

"Haven't had it in a while so yeah..." I said on my phone

"Seafood it is..." Aja said as we made it out the door

"It's walking distance, do y'all wanna walk??"
T asked

"We can walk there..." Sanjay said looking at Amari

"But back we gone have to catch a lift cuz I plan on getting so full until I can't move..."Mari said making all of us bust out laughing
"I'm serious..." she said laughing a lil

"The seafood place is in the plaza we were in yesterday when we went exploring..." Aja said

"Well that's not too far we can walk..." I said and everybody agreed

We started walking to the place it took us 20-40 minutes cuz we kept stopping to make videos and shit. We had to wait 20 minutes for a table but we wasn't really tripping. We ended up getting seated faster than expected. We ordered our drinks first then we started conversing again.

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