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Dawn ask to take me out to eat. I didn't have shit else to do so I agreed. Around 7:15 I got up and got ready. I took a quick shower and when I got out I search for some to wear. I decided to wear all black. After finding my clothes I sat them on the bed then I freshened my 2 braids. After I moisturized my body, put on my clothes, put on a chain and some earrings then my final touch was cologne. I went to the mirror to check myself out. I looked good as always. While admiring myself in the mirror I got a text.

Dawn💜: What's your address??

I gave her my address, then I grabbed everything I needed and headed back downstairs. I sat on the couch strolling through my media pages until she came.

Dawn💜: I'm outside...

I cut my lights off and locked the house up. I walked down the driveway and got into her car
She looked good asf and she smelled good.

"Hey..." I said with a small smile

"Hi..." she said backing out the drive way

"You look good..." I said looking her up and down

"Thanks and you look mighty fine yourself..." she said then I popped my imaginary collar

"Well you know how I do's..." I said still popping my imaginary collar making her laugh

"So where are you taking me??" I asked looking at her

"Ummmm, haven't decided yet..." she said

"What do you have a taste for??" She asked stopping at a red light

"Ummm, haven't had good fried chicken in a while..." I said looking at her

"I know a place..." she said smiling

The light turned green and she did a U turn.
15 minutes we pulled up to a place called K&J's . I've seen this place but never been in.

"I've past this place a lot I've never thought to eat here..." I said

"My first night here this is where I ate, they have some of the best fried chicken and their food is amazing..." she said finding a parking spot

It was some what packed so I could get the feel they had good food.
We got our things and got out the car. We headed to the door, I held the door open to let her in and I walked in behind her.

"Dining in or out??" a short lady asked us

"In...." Dawn said with a smile

"Well follow me..." the lady said grabbing Menu

To my surprise how packed it was, we was seated faster than expected. I got honey butter fried chicken, rice & corn on the cob. Dawn got salmon on a bed of rice and some other stuff that I didn't know about.
I picked up my chicken and bit into it. Oouuuu it was good and juicy.

"Mmmm..." I said with my eyes close

"Good right..." Dawn said eating her salmon

"Yesss..." I said eating more

"Sooo tell me about your friends..." Dawn said looking at me

"Well, T is my homie that's the one with the locs. We've been friends since middle school, we've been through a lot and have done a lot. She's a model and own her own clothing line. Aja is T's girlfriend that's the one with the blonde big curly hair. She's a photographer. Her and T been dating for 3 years almost four. They just started staying together and I'm hoping they'll get married and have kids soon because I think they're perfect for each other. Next, is Amari she's the glam one with the curly lashes. Don't know much about her but I'm getting to know her. But what I do know is she's a hair dresser and she can do nails but don't do them often. She's a very fashionable person. Then there's Juice, that's the one with the straight hair. She's Amari's cousin and she makes beats and produce. She help people write music. The other blonde curly head is her girlfriend Jilly. Jilly is also a photographer like Aja. I have more but them are the people I be with the most..." I said describing them

"How long you've been down here??" I asked her

"I've been down here for 6 months..." she said eating

"How you liking it??" I asked biting into some chicken

"I mean it's good, different from where I use to stay but it's good. It'll be better if my friends were here..." she said and I nodded

We sat and got to know each other a lil better. I found out she's a cool chick. We have a few things in common. After eating we sat and talked some more. While we were on the way to my house she was playing her music. Her taste of music kind of reminded me of Amari. They kind of have the same taste. We pulled up in my driveway.

"Thanks for taking me out..." I said turning looking at her

"You're welcome, did you enjoy yourself??" She asked

"Of course, you're a very cool person..." I said making her smile

"Thanks, you aren't to bad yourself..." she said

"Well I'll see you later..." I said getting out the car

"See ya..." she says as I closed the door

She made sure I got in the house safely before she pulled off. When I got in the house I stripped out of them clothes, got in bed and dive under my covers.
It didn't take long for me to dozed off.

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