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It's been 2 months since I've been doing this job for Big G. I don't understand why he want me to spy on her cuz she lives a normal life, she don't do nothing outta the normal. It's sometimes boring, but the money is worth it. I've been hanging around Indigo a lot and she's actually a cool person. I've learned things about her like: how when she came out to her parents her father was upset and left. That's why he want her hurt because he's mad that she's gay.
How she was in a accident where she hit her head which made her forget her suppose relationship with Amari. She said at first she thought everything was a joke or some until she started seeing pictures, she started having dreams, and how Amari looked when they talked about them. She said she feels bad for not remembering her, because she knows Amari have feelings for her. She said Amari tried so hard to make her remember her but she didn't. Now Amari is found a liking in the Sanjay girl, because they spend a lot of time together.

Anyways they planned a lil get away. My mission was to spy on Indigo while on the trip but she ended up inviting me so now I don't have to sneak. Big G told me to keep a eye on Indigo and the others but don't make it look suspicious. When Cotton(Indigo's mom) found out she threaten me again. But whatever.

Currently we are on the plane. Indigo and the others are already sleep. I was just looking around cuz what else could I do. The ride was 5 and a half hours so I might as well get some sleep. I grabbed the some blanket from Indigo and got under, I laid my head in her shoulder, and closed my eyes until I fell asleep.

Few hours later~^^

"Dawn..." I heard Indigo say shaking me

"Huh..." I said

"Come on, we're here..." she said making me open my eyes

I got up and helped her grabbed the bags. We exited the plane. We all meet up in the front of the airport.

"I think we should order 2 Ubers to take us to the hotel..." Indigo said

"I'll order one for Juice, Jilly, Sanjay and
I..." Amari said with her head laid against Sanjay's chest

"I'll order one for Indigo, Dawn, baby and I..."T said pulling out her phone

They ordered Ubers and we waited 15 minutes for them. When they came we got in and we headed to the hotel. The hotel wasn't far from the airport it was a 10 minute drive. When we made it to the hotel we unloaded our things and headed inside. Everyone booked & paid for their own room online. So when we made it to the front we told them our names, they looked us up, they gave us our key and we headed to our rooms. All of our rooms where on the 3rd floor but they we're spaced out. When we made it to the room I dropped my bags and fell on the bed.

"Over it??" Indigo asked laughing

"Flying is sooo tiring..." I said grabbing my phone out my pocket taking it off airplane mode

My phone started buzzing like crazy.

"Dang who blowing you up??" Indigo said chuckling

"It's my job group chat..." I said opening the messages from Big G

Basically his message meant he wanted me to ask Indigo to be my girlfriend on this trip. I mean she cool and all but I don't do relationship right now. I'm good with just chilling.
I texted him back and told him "I don't think Indigo is ready for a relationship right now. The relationship she supposed to be in ain't even working."

"In a hour and half we are going out to explore and find somewhere to eat. So if you wanna freshen up you can..." Indigo said typing away on her phone

I nodded.

I got a text from Big G again "I'll pay extra if the job get done, but if not no extra".

Me ~ I'll try it but no promises

After texting him I opened my suitcase to find me some to put on. I found a black bralette, black skinny jeans, with some cute clear sandals. Since I took a shower before I left home this morning I decided to freshen up a bit.

"You still going to let me see your hair??" Indigo asked walking in with everything on except a shirt

"Yeah, when I unwrapped it..." I said grabbing my clothes heading to the bathroom

In the bathroom I put on my clothes. I put on my lashes, sprayed on some perfume, then I unwrapped my hair and combed it down. Honestly I love this pink hair on me, it something new I tried and it came out cute.

"You can come see..." I told Indigo

She peeked her head in the bathroom and I turned around.

"What you think??" I asked her as she came in the bathroom

"It's cute..." she said with a smile touching my hair

"I was just trying something new..." I said looking in the mirror

"I never seen someone with pink hair in person before, but it's cute on you..." she said looking at me through the mirror

"Thanks..." I said with a smile
"Your outfit cute..." I said to her

She had on a black Purple Rain Prince graphic tee, some black jeans with cuts at the knee & some black Nike vapormax

"I stay sauced out..." she said with a smirk walking out the room

After we were ready we just chilled until the others was done getting ready. We all meet in the lobby.

"What's first??" Indigo asked

"Food cuz I'm hungry..." Juice said leaning on her girlfriend

"Agreed..." Amari said

"Well food it is..." T said as we walked out the hotel

"I'll check to see if it's a food place near by..."  Aja said taking out her phone
"It's a food shack place like 5 mins away..." she said looking up

"Sounds fine to me..." T said and everyone agreed

We started walking toward the food place just having conversation. I love the fact that they can talk about random shit and still make it interesting. Everyone gets to state their opinions and sometimes no one judges cuz everyone is kinda understanding.

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