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Today I wanted to take Mari on a date cuz we having been on one on a while. Storme told me I can use one of the cars for the day. After our lil bathroom sex, we was watching jigsaw , then we ended up falling asleep. When we woke up, Storme brought me the keys and we went to the mall.

"What we doing here??" Mari asked looking at me as I parked

"Nothing just lil shopping.,." I said looking at her smiling

"But I didn't bring my money..." she said looking at me

"That's fine, I gotchu..." I said smiling

"But I—..." she started but I stopped her

"I know you have your own money and you can buy what you need. But let me take care of you today..." I said grabbing her hand

She just looked at me.

"Come on little one..." I said looking at her smiling

I grabbed her face and pecked her lips.

"Okay Papa..." she said biting her lips

I kissed her hand, got out the car, and opened the door so she could get out. We walked into the mall hand and hand.

"Give me a dollar so I can get a drink..."she said looking at me

I had to dig deep to find a dollar. I handed it to her and waited on her. She walked all the way to the other side of the mall to get to the drink machine. I heard a lot of noise coming from behind me. I looked behind me and it was a group of girls walking up to me.

"Heyyy..." one of the girls said smiling

I waved with a small smile.

"I- I was too shy to come ova at first, butttt my friends talk to me. I know that you know you are fine as fuck, and I was wondering. Can I get your number??" She asked looking at me shyly smiling

"I mean thanks for the compliment but I actually have a girlfriend. Whom I'm very much in love with..." I said looking at her

"You have a girl??" She asked looking around me

I nodded my head in response.

"Where is she at tho??" She asked looking back at me

"Right here..." I heard Mari say making me turning around

She was looking at the girl while drinking her drink.

"You could've done better..." she said looking at me while her and her friends laughed

"Ayo bitch, don't get slid across this
mall..." Mari said winking at the the girl then she grabbed my hand and we walked away

"Where we going??" She asked turning around looking at me

"Wherever you wanna go..." I said looking at her

We continued walking until we got in front of this boutique. She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. She started looking through the clothes to find some she liked.

"What exactly am I looking for??" She asked still through clothes

"Something for tonight and just whatever you want..." I said looking at her

She grabbed 3 outfits and she grabbed my hand. She asked one of the employees for a dressing room.

"Sit right here so I can try them on for
you..." she said before going into the dressing room

I sat down and waited on her to come out. She tried on all the clothes, and let me seen them. I really liked that white outfit. She hugged her curves, was tight all in the right places and she looked hella good in white.

"Which one you like??" She asked coming out the dressing room

"You really look sexy in that white..." I said wrapping my arm around her waist

"I do??" She asked leaning in

"You do..." I said before kissing her

I heard somebody clear their throat. Mari and I pulled away to see where it came from. It was the group of girls from early.

"Can I help y'all??" Mari asked looking at them with a stank face

"Nah we was just looking??" One of the girls said

"At??" Mari asked raising one of her eyebrows

"Oh nothing..." the girl from earlier says making the rest laugh

"I see imma have to fuck these bitches
up..." Mari said walking toward them but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me

"Relax baby..." I said in her ear
"Cuz if they touch you, imma shut this whole fucking mall down..." I said as we walked past them

Mari decided to get the white outfit I picked and the red outfit cuz she liked it. I paid for it and we went into other stores. She went in another store to get heels and a purse. I gave her the card cuz she went into another store to get something and she told me to wait outside for her. While I was outside I called to get us reservation for a restaurant Storme shordy told me about. She said it had good food so I'm taking her word for it.

After Mari came out the store I wanted to buy her more stuff but she wouldn't let me so I stopped asking. We went into more stores so I could find me some to put on. Mari helped me find a white button down shirt with navy blue stripes, white pants and some navy blue loafers. When we got what we needed, we then went to get some food. We got wings, fries, and a burger and let me tell you it was bussing!!!
We didn't even wait to go home and eat. We parked the car and and started eating in the parking lot.

"This food is so fucking good..." Mari said biting into the burger
"Not as good as you tho..." she said looking at me smirking

I lowkey chocked on a fry which made her laugh.

"What are we doing tonight??" She asked eating a wing

"It's a surprise..." I said smiling at her and she rolled her eyes

"Stop, you going to love it..." I said grabbing her hand and kissing it which made her smile

I got a FaceTime call from T. I answered it and sat my phone on the dashboard so we both can be in the camera.

"Wassup..." I said biting a wing

"What y'all doing??" She asked

"Sitting on a parking lot eating..." Mari said cuz I had a mouth full

"Awww y'all on a date. I'm I interrupting anything??" She said looking at us through the camera

"Nahh, we just couldn't wait to get home and eat..." I said making all of us laugh

"That was Baby and I yesterday. We got seafood and had to pull ova cuz it was smelling too good..." she said which had us laughing more

"We are such fat asses..." Mari said biting her burger and doing her happy dance

I smiled at her cuz I like when she do that.

"What??" She said looking at me smiling

"You doing your happy dance..." I said looking at her
"You did that the night we meet..." I said making her smile

We stayed on the phone with T until we got done eating. After that we went home and watched movies until it was time for us to get ready.

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