Chapter 3

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It's finally weekend. Maya and I are cool but I can't seem to forget the fact that she kissed my brother. I walk downstairs with my pajamas and find Jason watching tv. It's 10am so I have to get ready soon to take Eva to ballet class. I sit beside him and stick my hand in his snacks. "Heyyy! Go get your own snacks" he growls jokingly. I just ignore him and continue stuffing my mouth. He smiles and puts his arms around me.

Jason is snubby in school but at home he's my over protective brother that I can tell everything too. "Maya told me about the kiss" I blurted out. I have been trying to keep it to myself all week but just couldn't help it. "What?" He says removing his arms from my shoulder and facing me. "You heard me" I say staring back at him. "I was drunk Chloé. It was a mistake."

My brother isn't the kind of person Maya should get involved with. As much as I love him I also have to be frank and he is nothing but a player. I turn to the tv to continue watching. " I'm serious Chloé. Besides Maya isn't my type of girl,"he says smirking. I don't know if I should take that as an insult but I'm relieved that he isn't interested in her.

I drive Eva to her ballet class. Yes, I have a car, a blue SUV but I rather follow Maya to school and I stay at home on weekends except on occasions like this when Mom is so busy I have to take Eva here. I wave goodbye to her and head for the door. Mom would pick her up later.

I honestly have been thinking about going to a party. As I get home, I run towards my room. I lock the door after me and pull out my phone to text Maya.
*me : are you going to a party this night*
Waiting for her response, I start doing my assignments. An hour later I hear a beep from my phone.
*bestie❤️: No. not after what happened the last time. Why are you asking?*
*me: nothing really. I just had a crazy idea of following you to a party.
*bestie❤️: really? Is that Chloé?* I laugh at that.
*me: yes. But just never mind*
*bestie❤️: oh no I mind. We are going. I'll be at your house by 5pm*

I'm starting to regret this decision. What am I going to wear? What's it going to be like? I'm not a fan of parties. Will Dave be there?! A knock on my door interrupts my thoughts. I stand up to open the door and I see my dad. He hasn't been home for nearly two weeks. He engulfs me in a hug.

"Dad! when did you get home?" I ask surprised to see him. "Actually I've been home since. I saw you when you got back but it seemed like you were in a hurry so I let you be." I can't believe I didn't notice him. "Oh"

I open the door wider to let him in. He goes in and sits on my bed. "Is anything the matter kiddo" it's funny he calls me that considering he has two younger kids.

I'm beyond nervous that I'm going for my first high school party today. I don't even know what came over me. I'm only interested in my studies.

"I'm planning to follow Maya to a party today" I say breaking the silence. My dad looks shocked and a small smile appears on his lips. "Really?" I nod. "That's good news kiddo. I've always wanted you to be more social."

"I'm not sure if I should go and I am so nervous. Besides I still have to read." My dad looks at me like I'm crazy. "C'mon have fun a little. As a medical student I didn't read as much as you do" I laugh at that comment and give him a hug. " Go and have fun. I need to go and tell your mother. She'll probably throw a party because of this" he says laughing as he walks out of my room. I grab my pillow and squeeze it. I guess there's no turning back.

Maya gets here few minutes after 5. The party starts 8 so I don't know why she's in a hurry. She came with some clothes for me thankfully. None of my clothes can be worn to a party.

" I forgot to mention that the party we're going to is hosted by your brother" she says casually. "What?! Why didn't you say that. I'm not going anymore" I say folding my arms.

"You must be kidding right. Most of these parties are hosted be your brother. What did you expect" I remain silent. "Just get over it cos we're going." I shrug and we start getting ready. She just did my makeup and I already feel uncomfortable. The only makeup kit I have is lipgloss and I don't use it except my lips are dry. I finally decide to take a look at what she brought. The first bag has a tight black jeans and a purple crop top with black heels. I don't do crop tops, I do sweatshirts and hoodies. And as for the heels, I prefer flats or canvas. I look into the second bag and there's a very short blue dress and blue heels. What's up with heels this days!

"So what are you going for?" Maya asks cheerfully. I give her a death glare. "I'll look for something in my wardrobe" I say, going through my racks of clothes. "You must be kidding" she says and turns me to face her. "I'm very serious. I can't even walk with heels!" I yell. "Ok ok. Calm down. Where the jeans and top with canvas. That's settled right?" I wanted to argue but honestly didn't have the strength to, so I just agreed.

After dressing up I tried sneaking a sweater with me but she caught me so I hard to forfeit it. I looked at the mirror and to be honest I look different Well that's new to me. We walk downstairs and the whole family is grinning at me, well apart from Jason who isn't there.

My dad was right. With the way my mom looks excited, she might actually throw a party. I fake a smile and kiss them all good bye.

"Be home before 12 sweetie" my mom says. "Ok" I reply without looking back and head out. It's going to be a long night...

What do you think. What will happen at that party?
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