Book 2-chapter 4

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I got to school earlier than usual today and went to the school's office. Tina volunteers there so she has access to students information.

"Hey Tina" I say to her as I get here. She looks confused that I'm here but doesn't ask me any questions. "Can you help me find out when Adrian Valence has a free period today?"

"Okay" She says and goes to another table flipping through papers. That's one thing I like about her, she minds her business. "Second period" she says. Perfect. I'm free second period too.

"Sorry. What of Richard Gomez?" I ask her and she continues flipping through the papers. "Second period too" She says. I can kill two birds at the same time. "Thanks" I say to her and walk away.

As seniors, we are allowed to leave the premises during our free period but we must be around for our next class. I call the roach exterminator and tell him when to bring it.

Richard is scared of roaches. He might look all tough but that little creature makes him yell like a baby.

I walk to my first class and there's only one person in. A guy but not Adrian. I take a sit and put my bag beside me to keep a sit for Vicky.

"Hey" He says coming to sit by my other side. I haven't seen him around but well I don't pay attention to people, especially not boys. "Hey" I reply.

Then the place gets silent and awkward. "What's your name?" I ask him. He seems shocked that I didn't know his name. "I'm Jonah and I know you're Andrea" he says smiling.

He has a nice feature. His hair is black and gelled to the back. It looks so neat, I thought boys like their hair rough. His eyes are green, his jaw line is masculine. When I realize I'm staring at him, I look away quickly and he laughs.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask him. "Nothing" He says still laughing. Students start coming and I'm grateful we're no longer alone. "Nice to meet you" He says and walks back to his sit.

Vicky takes a sit beside me as the class starts. I feel a gaze on me and I turn back to see Jonah looking at me. I turn back and pay attention to what the teacher is saying.

When the bell rings, I go out of the building and wait for roach exterminator. He gave me a huge box of roaches and told me there was no need to pay him. That's good with me.

I meet Vicky at Richard's locker. She's also free now. She helps me pick the locks and I empty the box in his locker, leave a note for him and close it. When we see Richard approaching we hide by another locker and film it. He opened his locker and started screaming like a baby.

Vicky and I had to suppress our laughter. He looked around the hallway suspiciously but no one was in sight. We walked away quietly without him knowing.

The note I left to him said
'Hey Richard. I'm sure after this you won't mess with me again. Just so you know, I filmed you yelling like a child and I'm sure you won't want the whole school seeing you freak out because of roaches. The era of you bullying me has ended and from now you'll respect me.' It was short and precise and I knew he'll know it was me.

On our way to the library, we were still laughing with tears in our eyes until I spotted Adrian. "Erm Vicky, wait for me at our spot I have to do something" I say to her and she walks into the library.

I go to where Adrian is seated and take a sit beside him. There are some benches on the hallway. "What do you want?" He says rudely. "I wanted to give something to you" I say and bring out the paper from my bag and hand it over to him. He opens it and his eyes widens. "You left it on the floor the day you bumped.. sorry we bumped into each other at school"

"Did you read it?" He asks me. I knew I shouldn't have read it. I don't answer. "I saw what you and your friend did to that guy. So that's what you do? You bully people?" He says. Why is he judging me when he doesn't even know me.

"You..." I start to say but I'm cut off. "The first time I saw you I knew you were mean but you're not just mean. You're heartless..." Ouch!

"....I won't tell on you if you don't tell anyone what you read." He finishes and stands up to leave. It was like he shot my ego and left it lifeless and unconscious.

I might have been a little bit mean but he doesn't know me to call me heartless. Who the hell does he think he is?! I stand up and go to the library fuming. If only he knew all what Richard did to me he won't be on his side.

I take my back from Vicky and leave. "Where are you going?" She asks but I ignore her. I need to cool off. I'll be at the steam house.

"Andrea! You're not working today. Why are you here?" Janelle says as I walk into the cafe. "I came for coffee" I say to her.

I spot Jonah and he waves for me to sit beside him. He is also free now? Economics class must be scanty. I walk to him and take a sit. Janelle comes to give us coffee. "You know each other?" She asks. "Yes mom. We go to the same school" he says. Mom?! He's the son of my boss?!

"Lovely. She's my staff" she says and Jonah's eyes widen. She walks away after serving our coffee. "She's your mom?" I ask just to confirm. "Yup" So know I have to be nice to him?

"Why don't we try to know each other" He says and I agree. He's 19 and started high school late for a reason he rather won't say. He has a brother that is 18. He stays here with his mom and he's Dad lives somewhere else. He plays basketball and loves Italian food.

He keeps on talking about himself and once in a while says a corny joke. We were getting along so well and I discovered we had missed lunch and half of a class. We quickly rush to school.

Adrian thinks she's a bad person
But on the other hand she's doing well with Jonah.
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Just another teen girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें