Book 2- Chapter 22

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Adrian's POV
"Any news?" I say to the doctor as he comes out of the operating room.

"Your father is in a very critical condition. He didn't respond to the surgery very well." He says

I shake my head. This can't be. My dad has to live. He has to make it.

"Doctor Jones!" A nurse yells, coming out from the same operating room my father is in. "We're loosing him"

Loosing him?! The doctor ran back inside the room and I followed him but the door was slammed in my face.

"Increase the pressure" was what I kept on hearing from the other side of the door.

I opened the door just in time to see his pulse on the machine turning to a straight line with a loud beep going off.

He's gone.

The nurse extends the white sheet on him to cover his face.

"What's going on?" My mom asks as she comes back with Isla with a cup of coffee, for me, in her hand.

"There was nothing we could do ma'am. He didn't make it." The doctor said. The cup of coffee fell to the floor along with Isla as my mom stood there paralyzed.

This couldn't be. "Father" I kept on repeating as I rushed to the bed and removed the sheet from his face. He already looks pale and cold.

"Father" I kept trying to wake him up. "Father"

"I'm here son. Wake up!"

I open my eyes slowly, breathing heavily and covered with sweat. It was just a dream. A nightmare.

"What's the matter. You've been yelling 'father'"

" it's nothing. Just a...never mind." I say, still trying to catch my breath.

"Okay then. Get ready so you can take me to the hospital for the surgery." He says before he walks out of my room. That's the last thing I wanted to hear.

What if it happens just they way it was in my nightmare. What if I loose him. Andrea told me to pray before leaving today. I'm not the spiritual type and I know close to nothing about God. My mom used to take us to church when I was younger but she left so I know nothing about those kind of things now.

But it seems like this is my last choice. I need to do it. And if maybe God answers my prayers, I can get to know him better. But right now I needed to pray. Anything to save my father. But there was a problem...I wasn't sure how to.

I started by clearing my throat. "Hey God?" I say but it comes out as a question. "I'm not sure what exactly to do but Andrea says you're up there, watching over me and my family. And I guess I should thank you for that. I just need one favor from you God, please save my father. Please God."

I stand up to start my day then I remember I'm to end with.. "In Jesus's name. Amen" so I say it and start to get ready.

I didn't fell so scared again. I had a great peace of mind from within, like something assuring me that it'll go well. I really hope so.

Hours later.
"Any update?" I ask the doctor as he comes out from the operating room. I've been calm since but when I found out that his name was Jones, I started to get really worried. Isla, Jonah and mom are with me.

"He's stable. Not yet awake but we should give him some time. The operation was successful." He says.

That was the difference between now and my nightmare. It's a different news. "Thanks Doctor" I say and walk towards my mom.

"He's stable!" I say and they all scream for excitement. "Group hug?" Mom says and we embrace in a group hug.

'Thank you God. I really want to know more about you now.' I say in my head.

One week later.
Andrea's POV

"Come on, Alex! We're going to be late!" My dad yells as we all rush into the car. There's a surprise welcome party for Adrian's dad. We're so excited that he's recovering quickly and that he no longer had cancer.

When we get there Max, Gianna, Isla and her half siblings are already there.

They moved into the city few days ago and live close to our house. Max accepted my dad's proposal and now works for him.

Isla misses the flower garden so we started planting flowers in her backyard.

"Adrian just texted. They're almost here. Everyone get into position" Janelle says and we all hide and turn off the lights.

Few minutes later, a car pulls into the drive way. The door opens and someone switches on the light. "SURPRISE!!" We all yell. Andrew Schwann definitely looked surprised. Job well done. I mentally high five myself.

"Wow. I was frightened. Thanks y'all" he says. "Let the party begin!" Jonah yells turning on the music.

After the last incident that happened between us, he apologized. I really wouldn't want to have anything to do with him but he's Adrian's brother. So it kinda made it easier for me to let go. Not like we're friends or anything but we're cool.

Mr Andrew rolls to the center cause he was advised to stay in a wheel chair for now. He taps a spoon on his wine glass gently to get everyone's attention. And everyone eyes turned to him.

"I'm so happy to have y'all here. My family and friends. It's always pleasing to be surrounded by those you love, especially those that love you." He pauses, takes a deep breath and continues.

"Everyone has that great love, that one person you love so dearly that you can't just let go..." I look around until I lock eyes with Adrian and we both smile shyly.

"...mine is Janelle. Several years ago, I let her go. Actually, I made her to go. But right now, I want her to stay by my side. Forever. And never let go..." Janelle stands up from her seat and walks slowly towards him. And when she finally reaches where he is, he brings out a box from his pocket.

"Life has given me a second chance. And I want to spend it with you as my wife. Will you marry me?" He finally finishes.

"Say yes. Say yes" everyone in the room starts chanting.

"Of course I'll say yes." She says and we squeal in excitement as he places the ring in her finger.

This book is about to end. I have one more chapter and maybe an epilogue and that'll be that but I'll definitely write another book.
Mavi ✨

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