Book 2- Chapter 23

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Andrea's POV
It's my birthday. I'm not really a birthday party kind of person. I prefer to spend it with my friends and family, something small and quiet.

Even though today is a little bit more special. I'm 18. I can finally say I'm an adult and I'm legal. I expected to wake up feeling different. I did feel different but not the way I imagined.

And sadly, I have to go to school today. I put on my music, Ariana's latest album. I only do this on good days. I shower longer than usual, brush my teeth and decide to do make up today.

I curl my hair and let it free, do a light make up and paint my lips nude. I liked my final look. I didn't want to wear something extra, so I wore a grey crop top and blue dungarees. I decided on a black sneakers, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

I could already perceive the aroma of my moms cooking. Toast, sausages and bacon.

"Yummy" I say taking a sit and serving myself. "Happy birthday to my baby girl" she says, placing a kiss on my cheeks. Baby girl?!
"You know I'm 18 now right?" I say, waiting for a confirmation.

"You may be 18 or 80 but you're still my baby girl" Okay that sounds way cheesy, I roll my eyes.

"Happy birthday Andrea" Alex greets me as he takes a sit beside me and serves himself.
"Thanks" I reply and stuff my mouth with the fried sausages.

"What are you doing today?" He asks.

"I'm going out to the movies with my friends. And probably stay back at their house."

"Don't forget to tell me when you'll be home." Mom says. "Sure"

"I have a gift for you dear." Mom says, handing me a paper bag. I open it and see some ancient yet beautiful pearl earrings. I always see her wear them to important occasions. She told me Grandma gave them to her before she passed away.

I couldn't believe she's giving them to me. It felt like such a huge responsibility. "You already know who had those right?" Mom asks breaking the silence.

"Grandma. Maddison." I stutter.

"Yes. I feel like you should have them." I hug her and tear starts to slip down my face. I want to wear it to school but I feel I should keep it for an important outing. Its the most precious thing I have right now. "I love you grandma" I whisper.

"Thanks mom." I say to her and run up to my room to keep it. But on my bed, I see a box with a pink ribbon on it.

The card on it says 'From dad and Alex' I rip it off to see what it is. It's a camera. I mentioned that after I graduated I wanted to travel to Europe and a lot of places before I start college. I was already saving up to buy a camera but they beat me to it. "Happy birthday honey." Dad says and I see him and Alex at my door. I run to them and hug them just when I hear a horn from downstairs. My ride, Vicky.

"Thanks dad And you to..." I say ruffling Alex's hair. "Byeee" I run downstairs.

"How you doing birthday girl" Vicky says as I enter the car. "It's been my best birthday so far" I put on the radio as we drive out to school. "Don't forget to stop at the Café"

After School
"So...the movies?" I ask them as we walk out of the school building.

"Actually..." Adrian says "...we have other plans. I want to show you something and we'll meet them at the movies by 6."

"Okay? Let's go then." I say and walk to his car with him. "So...where we going?" I ask immediately we get into the car. "Oh not again." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Well first of...I need to go pick up Isla and her siblings and drop them at their house. Then I'll take you somewhere."

"Where's the 'somewhere'?" I ask but he ignores.

When we pull into the elementary school parking lot, Isla and three other kids; Ella, MJ and Nick; run up to the car.

"Andreaaa" Isla squeals when she sees me. "Heyy Isla"
"Happy birthday."

They all get into the car and Max jnr. hands me a gift. "Ese es tu regalo" Isla says practicing her Spanish. She's been so interesting in learning the language since she got to the city and I understand what she meant.

"Say what?!" Adrian says clearly confused. That's what happens when you don't pay attention in Spanish class. We all laugh at his reaction.

"That is your gift" Isla says again, this time in English. "Thanks."

The box contains a note from her and drawings from her siblings that I'll definitely add to the picture wall in my room. I put everything back and place it in my bag already fill with gifts form school mates.

We drop them at their house and head to the center of the city, where the rich people and elites live.

"What are we doing here?" I ask him. "I wanted to take you out for your birthday. Back at home I used to love coming to this restaurant and I recently discovered they had a branch here."

He parks smoothly and comes down to open the door for me. "Me lady?" He says in a British accent, bowing a little and raising his hands for me to place mine into. "Thanks" I say playing along.

"Do you have a reservation?" The man at the counter asks. "Yes. A table for two with the name Adrian Valence."

"This way." The man says leading is to our table. I thought I'll feel under dressed for a restaurant like this from the outside, but everyone inside is dressed casual.

"Have you ever thought of changing your surname back to Schwann?" I ask him as we take a sit.

"Yes. I have actually and I've ready started the process."

A waitress comes to us to take our order and leaves. Few minutes later, our food is served. "I like this restaurant. The service and ambiance. It's simple yet very interesting" I say.

"Exactly why I like it too." We dig in and keep on talking then a slow music starts playing. "Mind if we dance?" He asks me.

I want to resist the offer but I also feel like dancing. We stand up and start dancing and other couples soon join us.

After the dance I want to sit but he stops me. "There's one more thing" he says and I stand there dumbfounded.

He picks up his wine glass and taps his spoon on it gently, turning heads to look in our direction. What's going on?

"Sorry for interrupting your meal everyone but I have an important announcement to make. I've found love. Great love, like my father would say..." everyone chucked. "...and I found it in a beautiful lady. And now I'm confused about who is more pretty. Her, my mom or my sister. It's like they all look alike...." everyone laughs again as I stand there shocked. The same question going through my mind. What's going on?

"And there's nothing more in this life that I want right now than for her to be my girlfriend. Andrea Maddison Gayns, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks looking me in the eyes.

"Yes. Yes. I'll be your girlfriend" I mutter and everyone starts clapping and toasting to us. He brings out a wrist chain from his pocket and wears it for me. It looks so beautiful. He closes the gap between us by placing his lips on mine and it feels like my insides are exploding.

Thank you to everyone who's still reading to this point. Who says something nice about my book and votes on every chapter. Those little things means a lot. One more chapter to go, the epilogue.

Just another teen girlDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora