Chapter 10

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Chloé's POV

I walk back into the park and see Maya and Alyssa arguing.
"You're just a psycho bitch" Maya says walking to me and dragging me out. "What was that about" I ask her. "Nothing. I was just trying to get something into her thick but empty skull. Anyways what happened? Did he catch up with you?"

I start crying remembering that he told me he likes me. Maya didn't say any further and took me to the car.

I had to go home this time so I begged Maya to stay with me while I tell her what happened.
"He caught up with me" I begin. She just looks at me waiting to hear more.

"He told me he likes me" I finally say. "What?!" Maya squeals "what did you say?!" She continues. Here it goes. "I told him that everyone is telling me to stay away from him and that that's what I'm going to do" I finish.

Maya stares at me blankly and looks like she wants to hit me. "So Dave told you how he truly felt and you just said that? I always knew you're only book smart but I didn't know it was this bad" she says. Ouch. "Maya!"She just rolls her eyes at me.

"You made a big mistake. Jason should just tell everyone this big secret so that you can be happy" Maya sighs.

Someone knocks at my door and Jason appears. Speaking of the devil. He stares at Maya for a while then he looks at me. "Can I talk to you?"He says. I thought he was mad at me so now I'm happy he wants to talk to me. I nod a yes and he walks in.

"I just met up with Dave and he looks pretty sad all because of you" he says sitting in front of me on the floor and crossing his legs. Now I feel bad. But I did it because of him.

"I think he was actually ready to change because of you, something that I also want to do..." he says looking at Maya. Okay?? "...I won't stop you from being happy sis. If it's because of me then I give you my blessings" he completes, smiling.

I smile back at him. I think I shouldn't be selfish and allow him to be with Maya. But he did say she's not his type even though his eyes said otherwise so because of his lie, I'll make him wait a little more. My smile widens. Muah ah ah.

"I don't think you know what happened between her and Alyssa" Maya says breaking my train of thoughts. "What happened?" Jason replies sounding serious. Here we go again.

"I'll take it from here" I tell Maya knowing she can be a 'blabber mouth' sometimes. "She found at that we were related and threatened me that I should stay away from Dave or she'll tell the whole school." I say all in one breath.

"When we're you going to tell me?" He groans and I shrug. "Don't worry about it. I have a lot of dirt on Aly so she wouldn't dare. Give me till tomorrow to get everything sorted" he says.

Some dirt?! I wonder what it is but I'm not interested. "Go after Dave before you loose him. I'm honestly happy it's him cause he's not that hard to beat up if he ever tries to hurt you"

I throw a pillow at him. Mr overprotective. "Thank you" I say to him and he stand up and leave. I see Maya's eyes follow his movement.

"So I guess..." Maya starts but I cut her off. "I'm not blind. I can see you drooling over him. Just admit it Maya" I blurt out. She doesn't answer me.

"What Jason is doing made me realize I don't want to be in the way of your happiness. So for the last time do you like my brother?" I ask sternly.

"Fine. I do" she admits.
"Since when?" A smile appears on her face and she starts blushing. "Since the beginning of this year."

"So why don't you go and tell him?" Her smile instantly fades away. "I haven't been completely honest with you. We have been seeing each other.." what?! "...not dating but just hanging out. He took me out on Monday when I told you I had an appointment..." ok so now we're lying? I'm furious.

"I'm sorry for not telling you but I thought you won't like it. We agreed to be friends because of you but I'm so happy to hear you're ready to cancel that rule we made when we were seven." Maya finishes. Tears in her eyes. I stopped being angry and hugged her.

"It's okay. Now go and talk to him but first of all I need to tell you something that Jason will probably never tell you. But you need to know."

She looks at me a little bit scared. I breathe in and breathe out. "Two years ago Jason was involved in a gang and was drawn into drugs. Luckily he got caught and went to jail but he only stayed overnight since my dad could bail him out. He went to rehab to get over his addiction and thankfully he hasn't relapsed"

Maya looks at me shocked. "Wow" she mutters. "I know it's all in the past but I'm always worried for him that's why if you're going to be with him, you have to watch out for him" she nods.

"I promise I will" she says crossing her heart. I know she will. "Don't tell him anything and wait for him to tell you. Don't pressure him or he'll get angry. Don't ..." she cuts me of "geez! You might as well give me a textbook tilted 'how to deal with jason' I promise I'll do all you say I should"

We burst into laughter and hug. "Can I go now? I want to tell him the good news" she says excited. "Ok" I dismiss her. She practically runs out of my room.

Sigh. I have to wait till tomorrow to see if I could patch up things with Dave.

Yooo. Hope you're enjoying the book.
Thanks for the supportive comments.
Seems like Jason and Maya will work out. Any ship names ideas yet?😂😂
And what about Chloé and Dave?
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