Book 2- Chapter 3

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I walk into Calculus class and seat at the back alone. Mr Peters always asks questions to those at the front and I'm not a fan of being in the spot light. Someone enters and the class whole class starts whispering. That must be the new boy. I couldn't see how he looks cause he wore a hoodie. He sat in the front so we were far apart.

Mr Peters starts the class and I mentally groan. He writes an equation in the board and asks us to differentiate it. He called on the 'new boy' and he gave the correct answer. Seems like he is smart.

The class comes to an end and I have free period now. I'm in a hurry to go to the library and finish a John Grisham novel I've been reading since the holidays.

I went to my locker to drop my bag and ran straight to the library. On my way I bumped into someone. I knew it was my fault for running.

"I'm so...." I begin to say when I realized I bumped into the same person, yesterday, at the cafe. "You again!" We both yell at the same time.

I bend down to pick my book and he does the same for his. "What are you doing here?! Are you stalking me?!" I ask paranoid.

"You wish" he says and storms of. A piece of paper was at the floor. I wanted to call him back but he had left. I pick it up and decide not to read it. I'll give it to him when next I see him. Is that the new boy?! I remember the new boy had a black hoodie on and so did he. Yup, that's him.

The next day after school I was so excited for my first day of work. I got to the cafe ten minutes before it was time for my shift. "You're early" the owner says. I still don't know her name. "I'm Janelle" she says as if reading my mind.

"Let me show you how things work. For now, you'll just be taking orders and serving so you attend to those who sit down. You write their orders and serve. Collect their pay and hand it over to Samantha..." she says pointing to a lady at the counter. "...the tips are yours. Try not to be rude to customers even if they get in your nerves and if for any reason you can't make your shift, inform us 8 hours before your shift. Any questions?" She asks. "No ma'am" I say.

"Then start working." I take an apron and put it on. Samantha gives me a small note book and a pen for orders. I wait patiently for my first customer. A lady and a boy comes in and take a sit. I walk towards them.

When I go back to get their order I see the new boy from school talking to Janelle. I should hand over his property now. I walk up to him and when he notices me, he frowns. He's still a jerk. "You.." I start to say but he walked out of the cafe. Janelle sighs and walks away. I think they know each other.

I continue to work when some jocks come in, Richard inclusive. It's 6pm and I wonder what they're doing here. Maybe it's their meeting spot. They take a sit so I have to attend to them. Urgh!

"Welcome to the steam house. What do you want?" I say with a fake smile. "What do we have here" Richard says and the all burst into laughter.

"I won't ask again" I say. They told me their order and I wrote it down. I turned around to leave then I suddenly slipped. Richard set a leg for me to trip. How immature.

I get back to my feet with an injury on my knee. Janelle told me to go home and rest. After all my shift was almost over so I agreed and left.

When I got home, I went to my room immediately to avoid being asked questions. I thought working will be fun, it was a lot of things but fun.

A call comes in and I see it's Mom. She doesn't know I'm home yet. "I'm in my room" I say to the phone after picking the call. "I'll skip dinner. I need to rest.....bye" I hang up.

I'm not going to let Richard bully me like he did years ago and especially not outside school. From now on, he will begin to respect me. And I know exactly what to do.

I got really hungry so I texted Alex to bring me something to eat. He knocked and came in. "Here you go" He says and gave me a plate with 3 slices of pizza. "Thanks"

"You owe me one" he says and leaves my room. I start eating and pack my bag for school when I see the paper that the new boy left behind. I can't even remember his name.

I fold it open and gasp at what i see. It isn't just a piece of paper, it's a document. Adrian Schwann. He's the son of the famous actor Andrew Schwann. But then i see another name, Adrian Valence. His mother's surname. Why is he using his mother's surname? And why is he living far away from his dad? Basically he changed his surname and this document shows that Adrian Schwann is the same as Adrian Valence.

I have to talk to him tomorrow. I need to find a way to give this back to him. I fold it back and place it in my bag.

What does Andrea have in mind for Richard?
How will she return this document to Adrian?
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