Book 2- Chapter 15

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Andrea's POV

My shift was over and both Adrian and Janelle had not come out. I wanted to go in to check on them but decided against it. I should just leave. Vicky is holding a sleepover today and she will kill me if I don't make it.

I was looking for my car in the parking lot when someone ran up to me and hugged me from my back. I was scared at first until I recognized the scent, it was Adrian.

"Thank you so much Andrea" he says, his breath on my neck. I pull out of the hug and turn around to look at him

"Why are you thanking me?" I say, giggling, to cover up how uncomfortable I am that we are so close to each other. There's almost no space between us.

A strand of hair covers my face and he pulls it back, behind my ear. The friction causes my heartbeat to pace faster and my breath uneven. The effect that only him has on me.

"For always being there for me" he say, clearly staring on my lips. Why is this happening again?! I can't kiss him. I have a boyfriend that I haven't even kissed yet. I'm not... Before I could clear my thought, his lips lands on mine.

I want to push him back but I don't have the strength to. Or maybe because I don't want to. I kiss him back as it deepens.

When the realization hit me that I'm a cheater, I regained the strength to push him back. I run to my car and drive off. Adrian kept on calling me back but I didn't listen.

What if someone saw us? And Jonah finds out? Do I have to tell him?! Oh. Yes I do!

Everything I need for the sleep over is in the hood of my car so I drive straight to Vicky's. When I ring the bell, her mom opens the door for me.

"Andrea! Nice to see you again" she says to me with a smile on her face. "Same here"

I head to the basement and see Vicky and her sister Gaby setting everything up. I walk to where the snacks are and start stuffing my mouth. Mmmm

"Hey! Those aren't for you!" Gaby yells at me but I keep on eating. All I can think of is what just happened at the parking lot.

Bianca, Tina and Paula come in. Now that we are complete, I hope this ends soon. I want to lie on my bed with ice cream in my hand, sulking.

Time went by slowly but it was finally 2am. We are watching a movie, but it seems like everyone has slept off except from me. Finally I can get some ice cream. I head to the freezer and bring out a bowl of mint ice cream. Not my favorite but it'll do.

Then I lie on the couch and take my first bite. "Something is wrong" Vicky says and startled me. I thought she was sleeping. "Spill it"

"Nothing. Just craving ice cream" I say innocently but she didn't buy it. "You can't lie to me Maddie, I'm your best friend. Now spill it"

I groan but eventually tell her what happened yesterday. "How could you cheat on Jonah!" She yells at me.

"It just happened at the spur of the moment. I didn't want to. I'm so confused." I say.

"Confused about what? Whether you should tell him?" She asks.

"No. It's just...I never let Jason kiss me but when it was Adrian, I didn't waste time to kiss him back. It's like I like the two of them. Or even like Adrian more."

She gasps and then finally says something. "Your love life is a mess." This wasn't what I needed. I thought she'll advice me or comfort me.

"You aren't making it better" I say, giving her a disgusted look. "I know what I'll do. I'll tell him the truth" I say standing up with my ice cream in hand. "I'll go sleep in your room upstairs"

I'm currently in front of Jonah's door. I knocked and waited patiently for someone to open the door.

When Jonah opened the door, he looked so shocked to see me. His smile faded into a slight frown. "I need to tell you something" I say to him. I might just get this over with soon.

"Okay. Let's stay outside." He says, closing the door but I stopped him. "I think we need to discuss seated." I open the door and walk in and see a girl in there. She's wearing a shorts, Jonah's and a bra.

I turn back to look at Jonah. No wonder he wanted us to talk outside. I felt so guilty kissing another guy meanwhile he's done who know what with this bimbo.

"It's not what you think" he says. That's the classic line. He doesn't look sorry, there's a I-don't- care look on his face.

"Sorry for disturbing you" I say and walk away. He didn't even bother calling me back, not that I wanted him to.  I really don't feel angry at him for cheating on him. I'm angry at him for making me think he cares for me, for caging me in this relationship, for making me feel guilty. And then I also feel gratitude, for finally letting me free and making me realize that I only like Adrian.

When I get home, I hear loud voices coming from the house. My brother is at my uncle's so it's only mom and dad at home. Is there a quarrel?

Not that I haven't seen my parents quarrel but they'll argue one minute and the next they are smiling at each other like teenagers.

But this doesn't seem like a quarrel. It's more like a fight.

When I enter, none of them noticed my presence. "That doesn't make you have the right to fire my employee!" My mom yells.

"I was just doing you a favor Chloé!" Oh wow. My dad calmed her by her name and not heir cheesy pet name, magnet. This is something serious. "You must be kidding me DAVE"

"You know what...if not for that mistake we made when we were teenagers, we wouldn't have had Andrea and we wouldn't have been together" dad says. Oh wow. I'm a mistake?!

Mom slaps him and walks away when she realizes I was at the door. "Andrea..." she starts to say but I cut her off as my dad turns around to look at me with his eyes wide open, realizing what he said.

"I'm a mistake?! You had me when you were a teen?! Why didn't you tell me! Don't worry. You guys won't have to put up with me again." I say and storm out. My mom calls out to me but I ignore her.

I keep driving until I end up somewhere. At Adrain's apartment.

There's a lot of drama today.
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Mavi ✨

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