Chapter 22

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I follow him to his car, enter the passenger seat and buckle my seatbelt. I'm nervous and I don't have any idea what he wants to show me. "I'm sure you know about the drugs and that's why you're mad at me but I never took the drugs. I only distributed it to make money so I can pay for my mom's hospital bills" he says. I already figured that out but he could've asked us for money. He started driving.

"I put the pieces together already and figured that was your motive but you know my dad could've taking your mom to his hospital and handled the bills" I say to him.

Dave chuckles and I wonder if I said something funny. "We were once doing okay Chloé. Even though my dad became a drunkard he always paid the bills, at least the essential ones, so we never had to worry. That responsibility fell over me real quick. I didn't have a job or savings. When we left the hospital, the total bill was over 200 grands. Do you think I'll run to your family for that sum of money? And why should they help me? Cause I'm friends with their kids?" He says laughing.

Two hundred thousand is a lot. I get his point. It'll be like he is trying to take advantage of his friendship with my brother and his relationship with me. He continues speaking.

"My mom had surgery and stayed in comma for months in that hospital. I know your mom runs a foundation but I won't let my family become a charity work. I would never put that responsibility on the shoulders of your parents. Never." He stops the car. It's like we've reached our destination but I can't really tell were we are.

"I know I should have never been involved in that fight but I was threatened. They threatened they'll hurt you..." I look at him shocked and scared. "...and I'll never let that happen to you. I'll never put you in danger. All I want is to protect you and see you smile." He finishes and I started blushing. Look at me thinking I'll be hard on him but I got soft quickly.

He brings out his phone and after a while gives it to me. I can see pictures of his mom and sister together smiling, from when the were in the hospital to when there were in a big house. I guess that's their new house. To a carnival, to the park. They were in a lot of places but always smiling and laughing.

"You might not like what I'm about to say but I don't regret dealing with drugs during that period. I'm never going back to it but I did it to have these moments with my mom and sister. To preserve her life even for a little more" he says and climbs out of the car. He goes around to open the door for me.

I'm still shocked by everything and I slip when I come down but he catches me before I fall. We look at each other awkwardly then he let's go of me and continues talking. "I had a deal with the dealers to give me 50 grands at the end of the day but because of what happened, they didn't give it to me. My mom had to go for check ups but she couldn't because there was no money...." I notice that a tear rolled down his cheeks. He is talking like his mom is late. "....we didn't know that there was a complication from her surgery which led to her death three days ago" oh no. She is late!

"But I'm still happy that we were able to spend time together as a family before she left us." He says leading me to the cemetery. "When was she buried?" I asked placing my hands in his. He smiles at that. "Yesterday"

We get to her grave quickly. There are a lot of flowers there already and two candles lit. People did love her. "I wish I got to meet her" I say. The first time I saw her she was in a comma and now she's dead. I couldn't help but cry. "It's okay. I showed her a lot of your pictures though and talked to her about you. She even left something for you. I'll give that to you later" he says intertwining our hands.

We stayed there for about thirty minutes and then we left. "Was it because you were threatened that you started avoiding me?" I ask him once we get into the car. "Yes. And I'm sorry about that" he says.

The question that has been in my mind is if we're still in a relationship. I still love him and I wear the necklace he gave me always but I don't know what that means. I'm new to this.

This time around he stops at a more familiar place. "Where is this?" I ask him. "This is our new house" he says. "We are moving out soon cause it was bought by the drug dealers." He continues. That sounds reasonable. "But where will you be moving out to" I ask worried.

"Everything that happened taught me a lesson. To work and have savings..." he says laughing. " I work now and have enough money to rent a small apartment. After all it's just me and my sister."

When we get inside he tells me to wait downstairs. The house is really beautiful. The interior decor is nice. I notice that the walls are full with his mother's pictures and some his mother and his sister we're together. A dog runs up to me. At first I was scared but then I remembered that he had a dog.

"So now you've met my dog, Rufus" He says coming back downstairs with a small paper bag. "My mom wanted you to have this." He hands over the bag to me. I open it and see pearl earrings. It looked so ancient like it has been passed from generations but yet so beautiful.

"It once belonged to my grandma. I was surprised my mom wanted you to have it and not Rielle." He says. I feel so honored putting it on.

"It looks beautiful on you. Anything looks beautiful on you" Dave complements me and I blush.

"Will you continue to be my girlfriend?" He asks me out of the blue. I was angry at him just this morning. Who am I kidding I want to his girlfriend.

"Yes" I say and he hugs me. Then suddenly I feel the urge to puke. I run to the toilet across the hall and made it in time. "Are you okay?" He asks me.

Seems like he has to know sooner than later...

Chloé and Dave are together but will that continue when Dave realizes he is about to become a father?
Please don't get involved in drugs. It's never the right thing to do. This book is purely fiction.
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