Chapter 1: The First Encounter

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I wake up and rub my eyes, squinting at the harsh sunlight coming through my curtains. “That’s weird… usually it isn’t this bright this ear-….” I immediately sit up in my bed, turning to my alarm clock. *7:26* “Fuck! I’m gonna be late!” 

I leap out of bed and dart to my closet, grabbing the first things I could find. Black pencil skirt and a white blouse. I put on my black heels, grabbed a bagel, and got my purse before heading out of my apartment.

I can’t believe I slept through my alarm! I sprint to the elevator on my floor, desperately pressing the down arrow button 50 times until the doors opened. 

I needed to get to my interview at Fitzgerald INC. within the next 20 minutes. If I got this assistant position, by some miracle, I would never have to worry about a future job ever again. The connections, the experience, and the very decent salary, is a golden opportunity for me. 

After what seemed like forever in the elevator, I made it out and sprinted outside to hail a cab. As I’m running towards the sidewalk I tripped, causing the contents of my purse to spill all over the pavement, and my bagel flying in the street. 

Great, Carmen, way to be a total klutz in the middle of morning traffic. As I began to pick myself up off the ground, I felt a leg trip over my body. Before I knew it, a tall man topples over and lands next to me. After examining his ripped suit, he looks over at me. 

“Are you fucking serious?! What the hell is wrong with you?” 

Oh no.

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