Chapter 10: Turn For The Worst

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I made my way past the lobby and stood outside. About 2 minutes later the same sleek Lexus pulled up, and James got out of the car. He was in a black suit. Fuck me. He looked DAMN good.  

As he made his was around the car he stopped in his tracks when he saw me. I slowly walked toward him, enjoying every moment of this. Take that Mr. Fitzgerald. 

He eyed me up and down, I couldn’t help but blush. He got control of himself again and he went around to my side of the car and opened the door for me. 

“Oh, thank you.” I wasn’t expecting that. James was also a gentlemen when he wanted to be. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. 

I got in the car and he got in his side, déjà vu from today when we were in the same spots. I noticed the divider was already up. I hope that wasn’t a bad sign. 

“Carmen what the fuck are you wearing?!” James hissed at me.

“What?! You said wear something sexy!” I replied, utterly confused at the change of attitude. 

“Yes, I said something sexy not slutty. You practically having everything all hanging out.” He replied eyeing me viciously at my exposed areas. 

My eyes were burning with anger at him. How dare he say I look slutty! I most certainly do not!

I couldn’t even bare to look or talk to him. I knew his sweet side wouldn’t last for long. 

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know there was a dress code for my job. I guess I forgot to look that over in my contract huh?” 

James rolled his eyes and started texting furiously in his phone, mumbling something I couldn’t make out. Great, this night was already starting off fantastic. 

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