Chapter 13: Never Again

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The look on Alex’s face was fear mixed with anger. He stood up and was face to face with James. 

“Dude, relax. We were just talking.” Alex said to James. 

“Oh really? She doesn’t want to be bothered. How about you go find some other girl to fuck tonight Alex, since that’s all you’re good at.” James snarled. 

Oh my god… is James… jealous?

Alex rolled his eyes “Whatever dude, I’m not in the mood to fight with you right now.” He bent down to pick up his drink. “Carmen, I’m sorry he had to interrupt, but it was wonderful to meet you. Have a great night.” And flashed me his million dollar smile. 

I have to admit, I blushed. “Thank you Alex, you too.” And I watched Alex walk off. 

James grabbed my arm. “Excuse me Ms. Andrews I need a word with you outside.

“James calm down people are watch-“ I tried to finish until his grip got harder

“NOW.” James said through gritted teeth. I swear I saw a vein start popping through his forehead. Jesus christ, he was enraged. I didn’t say another word, and followed him to the courtyard in the back. 

James slammed the door closed. “Are you trying to piss me off tonight? Is that it? Are you upset and this is your way of getting back at me?!”

I was so confused right now, where was this coming from? 

“James what the fuck are you talking about? You think I’m trying to get revenge on you for something? For what exactly?!”

James rubbed his hands through his hair and walked around to calm down. Fuck James, don’t rub your hands through your hair. Anything but that right now.

I sat down on the nearest bench and put my elbows on my knees, and rested my head in my hands. I wanted to give up and quit, but I never give up that easily. Especially on the first day. I looked up, took a deep breath, and decided to be proactive. 

I got up and found James near the edge of the yard. I approached him slowly. 

“James…” I said softly. He turned around. 

“I know you’re upset with me, and I’m sorry if I did anything to make you that angry… but if you can’t tell me what’s wrong… then how am I supposed to help you?” 

James was quiet. Looking at the ground. After a few moments of silence he finally spoke up. 

“You wouldn’t understand Carmen.” 

“Sure I would, I’m not that judgmental. I promise I wo-“ James cut me off again. 

“No, Carmen. You don’t get it. You will never get it, okay? All I wanted was a fucking assistant that would just do what I say. I told you to sit down, and be quiet for a couple hours, and you couldn’t even do that. I’m not here to babysit you, but sure enough I am. I swear you’re such a fucking child. I see now it was a huge mistake to hire you.” His blue eyes were icy, staring right through my soul. 

I turend around a noticed there was a huge group of people listening to our conversation, along with everyone inside looking out the window watching James talk to me like that.

My heart dropped. ‘A huge mistake to hire you’ ringed in my ears. 

This feeling in my system was indescribable at the moment. My lungs felt constricted, my knees were weak, and I felt tears forming behind my eyes. I wasn’t good at hiding my expressions, so if I was upset, you could read it all over my face. James must have noticed how upset I looked because he look of anger quickly changed to sympathy. 

“Carmen… oh god…” He tried to walk toward me but I backed away. Tears were flooding down my face. I turned away and ran inside, bolting for the front door. 

I could feel people staring at me, which was mortifying. I made it out the front door, desperately searching for a chauffeur to get the car, any car to take me back to my apartment. I searched around, when I saw the black Lexus about 8 cars down. I walked toward it, tapping on the driver’s side window. It rolled down. 

“Miss! Are you alright?!” 

“Yes, I’m fine, I just need to get out of here… please…” 

“Certainly ma’am, get in the back.” 

I opened the back door and made sure to lock it. 

“My apartment please.” I said choking back my sobs. 

When he started to drive off, and we were far enough away from the dinner party, I let it all out. Everything that he said to me, from the time he was so angry to me when he tripped over me, to indecent acts in the car, and being so rude to me tonight. What a troubled man. A sexy, bipolar, confusing, sweet, troubled man. I cried all the way back to my apartment, I knew I never wanted to see James Fitzgerald ever again after tonight. 

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