Chapter 16: Second Chances?

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Chapter 16:

“What the hell?”I whispered, looking at the window with a confused look. After a couple seconds of eyeing it suspiciously, I heard the noise again. I slowly get up from the couch and go towards the source of the noise.

As I creep closer to the window, I see an all too familiar black lexus, next to a rugged James Fitzgerald in a dirty old t-shirt and ripped jeans. It was hard to tell from my 6th story window, but he looked like he just got in a fight.

His usually sleek styled hair was a jumbled mess. His usually clean shaven face was filled with scruff. His tall built physique only worthy of Gucci and Armani suits, is now clothed in American Eagle. Even now, he still looked as sexy as ever. Damnit Carmen! You’re supposed to be mad at him!

I open the window slowly. “James… what are you doing here…?”

“Carmennnnn. You look sooooo pretty up there! Look at youuuuuu all pretty like a flowerrrr” Oh god. James was drunk. Very drunk. And loud.

“James! Be quiet it’s like 10 at night!” I hissed.

“Carmennn come dowwwwn hereee pleassseee…” James was trying to walk to the lobby entrance, barely making it without tripping his own feet. Jesus Christ. He’s a fucking mess.

I hurry to the elevator and when I see James in the lobby, I am furious. How dare he come here and embarrass me like this in my own apartment complex? Asshole. Sexy, gorgeous, asshole.

James looks completely out his mind. Mindlessly walking around with a brown paper bag in his left hand. I march over to him and grab him by his arm, dragging him to the elevator.

“I like it when youreee rough you knowww that? Verrrry sexy” James slurred with his eyes half open.

We get on the elevator and I lean his body up against the wall.

“James, what happened to you? Why are you doing this to yourself?”

James opens his heavy eyes. “Carmennnn, I’ve been a mess… I…. I don’t evennnn knowww what to do…”

I sigh deeply. Great. I have my male model esque ex-boss in my apartment building, who has confessed his sorta feelings for me, plastered out his mind.

The doors open and I help James to my door, I open it and slowly lead him to the couch, laying him down gently on his side.

“I know you probably won’t remember any of this, but I swear to god if you throw up, I’m gonna be so pissed at you.” I muttered, trying to pick up his dead weight and position him.

He looks tired. Thank god, maybe he’ll go to sleep. I can’t believe he’s in my apartment, but I can’t let him out on the streets this late at night in the position he’s in.

I go over to the kitchen to get him some water, Tylenol, and some crackers to eat. As I turn around to the couch, James was sitting up now.

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