Chapter 5: What Happens In the Car...

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The weekend flew by, and before I knew it I was waking up Monday morning getting ready for my first official day as James Fitzgerald’s assistant. I wear a grey pencil skirt, and fitted black v neck sweater. I was on the curvy side, and I loved wearing clothes that showed off my figure. I put my hair up in a pony tail, and did a little extra effort on my makeup today. 

I went outside to get a cab, when I noticed a sleek black Lexus sitting outside my apartment complex. I didn’t take too much notice until I saw the window roll down in the back seat. 

“Ms. Andrews” Oh my. That deep, sexy voice. I walked over to the window already knowing exactly who it was. As I approached the car the back door opened, and there was James, sitting there looking divine in a navy suit with a white shirt and black tie. He scooched over to the opposite side and patted the seat motioning for me to sit. I proceeded to get in the car and closed the door. 

“I thought we were meeting at the office?” James looked over at me making me lose my breath slightly. “Usually we would, but today I got a last minute call from an estate outside of town.” 

I nodded and put my seatbelt on before the car took off toward the highway. The first 10 minutes of this car ride was slightly awkward, James was on his phone and I was looking out the window watching everything whizz by. 

“Carmen?” What? He said my first name… 

“Yes?” I replied. James quickly looked me up and down. I could feel my heartbeat getting faster. Was he seriously checking me out? Not gonna lie, I secretly enjoyed having him look at my body like that… SNAP OUT OF IT CARMEN. THIS IS YOUR JOB. 

“You look very nice today.” James said softly, with a sexy smirk that would make any girl melt. Which is exactly what was happening to me right now. 

I blushed and looked down at my lap, fidgeting my fingers. “Oh… uh… thank you sir.” 

James then made one long scooch over to my side of the car, where his body was almost touching mine. Oh god. James, what are you doing….

He leaned his arm over my torso, pointing out the window. “You see that building?” I looked to where he was pointing. Feeling my lungs tighten. “Yes.” I whispered. I was barely able to speak. His cologne smelled like a woodsy warm spice, his cool minty breath was in my presence, and his lips were dangerously close to mine. 

“I heard that’s a wonderful place to take photographs…” James whispered in my ear, his lips just barely brushing against my ear lobes. I could feel myself getting tense down there. His voice puts in me in a trance. Everything else became blurry, my mind was racing. Why does he have this effect on me...

I cleared my throat. “Yes… so I’ve heard…” 

I stared at my lap. I knew if I looked into his eyes, I would be done. 

Until James hit a button that made the backseat divider go up, and unbuckled my seatbelt. 

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