Coffee, class, and best friend

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You were still fuming as you drove to school. I can't believe he had the nerve to call me selfish! And a brat! What am I 5? You'd left earlier than usual. You didn't want to sit around and wait for class to start.

You noticed Shaky's and Rayleigh's cafe and boat repair. You pulled in to get some coffee. Getting out you noticed four motorcycles, they looked custom built. You liked the look of them.

"Y/N! How are you sweetie?" You liked Shaky. This is where you worked as a high schooler. And she'd been an awesome boss, and you went to her many a time when you needed womanly advice.

"Hey Shaky! I'm good, just got an early start and figured I'd get some coffee and maybe a chocolate filled croissant." She got your usual together and you paid the cashier. You waited and a bar stool and sat next to a guy with the longest, fluffiest blonde hair you'd ever seen.

"Here you go sweetie let me know if you want anything else." You nodded. First taking a bite into your pastry, then taking a few gulps of your coffee. You thought back to the argument you'd had with Ace. Out of all your brothers you fought with him the most. You two didn't get along well at all at fiat. Most of it being your fault. You'd written him a letter of apology when you were 13, since then things had been better. But still strained. You went back through trying to figure out if you could've worded your refusal better when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up expecting Mr. Rayleigh, but found the guy with fabulous hair staring at you.

"You okay? Sorry you just seem deep in thought.l"

"Oh yeah just had a fight with my brother earlier, I was just trying to figure out my apology." He nodded and moved his hand.

"Sorry to hear that. You two close?" His bangs converted a lot of his face but you could still see his sapphire blue eyes. He was tall well over 6 feet, was all muscle and had a goatee.

"Yeah I'm close with all three of them. But he and I fight a little too often. Kinda like a bad divorced couple." He doesn't need to know that!

"Wow sounds fun."

"Yeah tons." He held out his hand.

"I'm Killer." You took it.

"Y/N. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. You come here often."

"Not as often as I like."

"I see." He looked outside held up a finger then turned to you again. "Well Y/N, I have to go. Duty calls. Maybe I'll see you here tomorrow." Huh?

"Oh uh sure. Maybe."

"See you then." Weird.

"Monkey D. Y/N!" You jumped in your seat to come face to face with Mr. Rayleigh. "Did you just agree to a coffee date with a stranger?"

"Did I what? No of course not!"

"Then what the hell was that?" You were so confused.

"What was what?" He face palmed.

"Shaky dear care to explain to Y/N what just happened? She's too much of a ditz I swear, you're more like Luffy than you realize." Hey what now?

Shaky cane over with a smile on her face. She put a hand over yours like a mom would.

"Honey he just asked you on a casual date. You didn't notice cause of how deep in thought, but that young man had been staring at you since you walked in. He'd been trying to get your attention, until he realized you needed to be brought back to planet earth. Congrats sweetie your first date in over a year. How do you feel?"

Meant for You-KillerXReader! AU Modern!Where stories live. Discover now