Dinner, texting, and party plans

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-Killer's POV-
Sitting in his place with his phone in his hands, Killer felt out of sorts. What kind of things did an 18 year old like to talk about? He and Kid had looked at her car and while it could be fixed it was going to be expensive.

Instead of one of the guys calling her, Killer said he'd do it and give her the estimate. They'd teased him about it for a little bit then they dropped it.

Kid was having his girlfriend Bonney over and Heat and Wire were going out to see a movie with a few guys that worked there. Killer was grateful for the sound proof walls, before they had installed them, Kid and Bonney could be heard very clearly. Killer had become way too privy to his best friend's sexual appetite over the last 2 years.

Phone in his hand he started to text Y/N.

Killer: Hey Y/N, this is Killer. I just wanted to tell you the cost of the repairs.



Y/N: hey Killer, hit me with the cost.

Killer: You're looking at 4,500 beris for everything.



Y/N: Do it. Not as bad as I thought. I'll come by tomorrow to pay that amount.

Killer: Are you made of money or something? Lol that's a lot of money to just have.

Y/N: not even close. Gramps pays for my education, and I worked at the cafe we met at this morning all throughout high school. I saved every paycheck I got.

Killer: wow I would've spent all that money by now.

Y/N: temptation is strong

The conversation was going surprisingly well. Killer decided to keep it up.

Killer: so what do you have going on tonight?

Y/N: dinner at my brother's bosses house. We're about there now.

Killer: wow he getting promoted?

Y/N: probably. He's been there with them since he graduated high school.

Killer: didn't go to college?

Y/N: nope never knew what he wanted to do. but it's not like everyone needs to go to college. my career of choice requires me to. but hey it's not for everyone.

Killer: I went to trade school for three years. Cheaper that way.

Y/N: hey nothing wrong with that. we need trade workers and you'll probably be out of debt before most people I know.

Killer: I've got 5,000 beris left to pay off.

Y/N: nice. well we're here now. ttyl

Killer: let me know how it went

Y/N: sure

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