Great Grandpa Garp

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It's been a month since you moved out. Ace wasn't happy he felt that you two were finally breaking ground and didn't want to lose it. You offered to come cook dinner every Saturday, so you would still see them. All three boys agreed, Killer of course came along.

Nami and Koala were also invited to those dinners. And Ace even started seeing a girl that he met at work. Her name was Martha a sweet short blonde who was a nice compliment to Ace and he seemed pretty smitten with her.

It was one of those Saturdays where you went to the house to make dinner. However something was different. You noticed a car that you'd never seen before.

"Who's that belong to? I've never sent that car before. Did Luffy finally get a drivers license." Killer chi keel and let Beast out of there back seat of your Jeep. That's when two imposing figures stepped out onto the porch.

"Granpa, and Mr. Sengoku?"

"Hello little Y/N, it's been a while."

"Yessir it has."

"I see you moved out young lady." He didn't sound happy.

"You were clear that I couldn't have the baby and stay here. Killer gave me and his child a place to stay and that's where we'll remain."

He looked like he wanted to say more but his scowl was unreadable.

"Should I text Ace and tell him that dinner will be at our place tonight? Or am I allowed to cook for the boys and you?" You may be upset with him but he was your Granpa and you still loved him. Besides you couldn't be too angry turns out moving in with Killer had been the best decision ever.

"Come on in young lady I need to talk to you and your boyfriend anyway." You and Killer looked at each other he gripped your hand and the two of you walked into a house that you didn't feel very welcomed in at the moment.

"It's okay babe if he wants to be apart of the baby's life he needs to behave." You smiled at Killer and walked into the kitchen. Everyone else evidently were not home at the moment.

"Sit down you two." You and Killer sat at the counter. Killer threw a protective arms around your shoulders, and kept his hard eyes on Gramps.
"So boy you're not complete scum. You're going to stay in the baby's life."

"I'm staying in Y/N's too." Garp grunted and Sengoku gave him a look. Now it made sense Gramps brought him so he didn't do anything stupid.

"So boy I want you to tell me how you plan on providing for her and your child."

"Grandpa!" Killer squeezed your shoulder.

"I am part owner of a mechanic shop, we are looking to expand and be a sponsor to a racing team. I own my place, it's big enough for me, Y/N, the dog and the baby will have their own room."

"And Y/N what about vet school?"

"I'm doing the academic courses online after the baby is a year old. That'll take a year after that I will be able to enroll to the labs I need. I am now working full time as a vet tech and I am taking a year off to be there for the baby."

"And marriage?"


"You heard me young lady."

"That's where I draw the line! That's our business not yours. I don't live here anymore so what I do with my life effects me, Killer and now the baby. You are no longer part of that equation and therefore hold no right to ask those kinds of questions. You're allowed to ask of I'm feeling okay, how's work going and how's life going. If I want advice I will ask for it."

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