Hanging out with the guys

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Friday night, you told Gramps you had plans but that you'd have a bbq with the family that Saturday after you'd picked up your dog. For tonight Killer had invited you to stay over for the night. You'd brought several cute pairs of underwear, courtesy of Perona and Koala had given you condoms...but you didn't think you'd need them. You got to the apartment building and parked in the back where Killer had told you to park. When you stepped out in your scrubs and your bags, you saw Wire coming up from what looked like a mountain trail.

"Hey Wire." You gave a wave, it had been a long day at work. Four emergency surgeries, 9 different spays and neuters and then the basic vaccines for at least 20 puppies and kittens.

"Hey Y/N, you look tired."

"Lots of hurt animals today. It's never fun."

"You didn't have to put any down right?"

"No, luckily I work with great vets who always try their hardest to make sure old age is what is has a pet saying goodbye." He nodded his head looking a little more relaxed.

"The scrubs look nice on you." He shook your head and gave a slight chuckle.

"Thanks you're the second person to tell me that. Killer thought I looked nice in them too."

"Do you ever get mistaken for a nurse?" He asked with an amused smirk.

"All. The. Time." You said now annoyed. He laughed at that.

"C'mon I'll walk you up to Killer's place. He should be cooking right now." You let him lead the way and you followed behind. You saw a bunch of other cars show up, and you realized this was a party bigger than you though. Crap, I would've just stayed home if I'd known all these people were gonna show. Not that you could do anything about it now, you were here.

Knocking on the door you heard a come in. You opened it and found Kid sitting on the sofa, and Killer at the stove cooking. The smells making you instantly hungry.

"Hey Kid, how's it going?" He spared you a look but didn't seem happy.

"Nice outfit." He grumbled than drank from his beer. Yeah definitely wasn't happy. Killer walked over and kissed the top of your head.

"Hey babe, how was your day?"

"Busy, lots of surgeries today." He nodded and pulled you towards the kitchen. "Um is Kid okay?"
He shook his head.

"Bonney dumped him today. Said she was tired of him and wanted something new." Now you felt really bad.

"Is it okay that I'm here? I feel kinda bad." Killer kissed your cheek this time.

"You're sweet Y/N, but it's okay. This was originally going to be a small party, but Kid needs a distraction so he ended up inviting all the guys who work here. Plus some random girls to make him feel better." Ah that's why all these people are here. You looked at Kid, and he seemed upset and lonely.

"Hey can I change out of my scrubs? I brought a change of clothes." He have you sideways glance and put on a fake pout.

"You're not going to keep them on?"

"No, I brought actual clothes to wear." He laughed and led you down the hall. He took into what you assumed was the guest room.

"This is where you'll be sleeping. There's a bathroom across the hall did you want to shower?"

"Maybe later? I don't feel comfortable showering with Kid here, and I don't want to kick him out. He needs to be with a buddy." As you started to search for your clothes, Killer hugged you from behind and squeezed. You gasped and when you turned to look at him, he planted a kiss on your lips. You melted into the kiss. It started to become pretty heated. You broke it for air, and Killer had lust in his eyes.

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