Morning after coffee date

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"What kind of dog can we get?" Luffy had been ecstatic since last night when you'd told him you guys could have a dog. He was like a kid on Christmas Day.

"Well I was thinking a retriever or mutt. Something that is easy to train, and one with a mild temperament." You were all at the All Blue Cafe for breakfast. You hadn't ordered anything yet, you were waiting for Killer it was still 15 minutes before he was supposed to show up. You hadn't even ordered any coffee yet.

"Where are we gonna go get it!? And when?!" Sabo and Ace just chuckled at Luffy's childlike behavior.

"We'll probably go next weekend Luffy. As it is, we need to go grocery shopping when we get back to our house. We have snack stuff but nothing to make for meals. Can you wait another week?" He puffed out his cheeks in a pout. Patience was definitely not a strong suit of your twin's.

"Hey Luffy it's okay, we can do our own research about what dogs we'd like. And Y/N can let us know if it'd be a good idea or not." Sabo sipped at his coffee.

You then heard the rumble of motorcycles. And saw not just Killer but the rest of his entourage as well. Except for Kid. You smiled and proceeded to meet them.

"I'll ask Killer for a ride back to the beach house. I'll help clean up, then we'll head home." They all gave a thumbs up with mouths full of food. You walked up to the hostess section and greeted Killer.

"Hey I'm glad you came." He smiled and gave you the biggest bear hug you'd had in a while. Your stomach making a noise had you blushing.

"You didn't order anything yet?"

"I wanted to wait for you. I'm seeing that might've been a mistake." He laughed before throwing an arm around your shoulders and started to introduce you to Heat and Wire.

"Nice to meet you guys. Did your event last night go well?"

"Nice to meet you too Y/N. Yeah we went to a tattoo convention next town over." Heat answered.

"Neat I've never been to one. What do you do there?"

Heat and Wire went into a detailed conversation about what they did at the convention. Heat was sporting his art on his throat and on his arms. Wire got a half sleeve that looked like an axe with flames. They looked great. Once you were seated you went ahead and ordered a thing of pancakes right off the bat and coffee. The three men did the same.

After that you ordered two meals worth of grilled cheese sandwiches that came with tomato soup and salad. Killer seemed shocked.


"That's a lot of food."

"I won't be eating anything else until dinner. Plus I'm starving. And I work out. Why am I fat?" You started to look at your body, making Wire shake his head.

"Not what he meant. Killer's never dated a girl who could eat like him. I wonder if you could drink like him."

"Nope, I'm a cheap date, anything stronger than beer or whine I'm out after a couple of drinks."

"Good to know." Killer chuckled. It was quiet for the next five minutes everyone just eating and ordering refills for their drinks. You ordered a coke and another water. Killer had ordered 4 different types of pasta dishes. Wire decided to order 3 burgers and Heat had ordered the same as you, but 5 of them.

You guys had started talking about the party that they missed when a familiar voice came in the restaurant.

"I'm hungry Bonney. I want to eat with the guys."

"I'm hungry too, but there's a buffet right next door. I want to go there."

"Then go! This whole trip was your idea, but ever since we got here you've complained and changed plans on the fly, throwing a fit if you don't get your way. What the hell is your problem?"

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