Sleepover & Morning After

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-At a mechanic shop-

"So Killer did you ask for her number?" The redhead asked. He let out a breath and shook his head no. "Yo Heat, Wire you both owe me 20 beris."

"He didn't do it? What the hell were you doing then in there?"

"She seemed upset so I was trying to help her out."

"In other words trying to be her counselor. Killer my man, you're like a brother to me, so take this how it's meant. Stop being everyone's mom. We don't need you to be."

Killer knew Kid had a point, old habits died hard. It was why his relationship with Whitey Bay had ended. She'd told him he treated her like a child rather than a lover. He didn't know how to change.

Y/N had said that she and her brother got into a fight. And he'd asked her discreetly to meet him tomorrow. He didn't want to seem like a creeper. But maybe he should've just asked straight out. She's probably not even going to be there. Can't say I blame her, I didn't really make it all that obvious. And she was very clearly distracted.

"I'll work on it." Is all he said to Kid and was trying to figure out what time he should go to the cafe tomorrow morning.

-Perona's Apartment

"Moria! Hi cutie! You miss me?" He meowed at you and crawled up your leg and you immediately gave him attention. Something about cuddling a small creature just made everything seem good in the world.

"You wanna see his little outfit?"

"Yes please!" You followed Perona into her room. She lived in a two bedroom apartment, that her uncle Absalom paid for. I didn't know what he did for a living but he had wealth to put Perona through school and pay her living expenses. She worked at a clothing store part time for everything else. The second bedroom she used as her sewing room/work space.

"Here it is." It was a little cape with bat wings going around the neck. It was pretty cute.

"Awe that's adorable!"

"Hehe I know what cute is supposed to look like. Even on animals!" You giggle and continued to cuddle the little kitten. "So you want to talk about it?"

You told her exactly what happened this morning. Including what happened at the cafe this morning.  It felt good venting and getting angry.

"I still can't believe he called you selfish. That's what blows my mind. He's getting upset over something so small. You've been there party after party. So what if you don't want to go to one out of many why is it a big deal."

"I think with Ace,and with everything he went through as a kid, being told he was a mistake, that he should've never been born, messed him up. He needs constant praise and attention. I get that he loves me and just wants me to hang out, and if so many people weren't going I would. But...I just would rather stay home." She hugged you.

"I think you two just need to sit down, and talk it out. Try to understand where the other one is coming from maybe try to find a compromise. If he's still upset after that, then that's on him to fix not you."

"I hate it when we fight. It makes me feel like I haven't grown up, and that I'm still the bratty little kid I used to be."

"You've definitely grown. And I think Ace sees that. But he never did counseling and you did. I think he just needs someone besides you guys to talk to, to help him work through his issues. I mean you don't hate him like before right?"

"I didn't hate him, I hated his attitude back then. I love him to death I'd literally take a bullet for him, donate a kidney if he needed me to. I love him very much, I just wish that he wouldn't be so quick to get mad at me."

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