What next?

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"So why did you ask me over?" Perona has been busy since the fashion show. She decided to sell her clothes online for now and hire two people to help her one with the website and the other to help her make clothes. Nami was going to be her model for when new stuff came out.

"I need emotional support right now. And you were the only person I could think of. Sorry I know you're busy."

"Yes I am but you are my friend and you rarely ask me for favors so I'm willing to let it slide." She giggled. You couldn't think of anything to say. You were at your house in your room. Beast and Moria were playing on the floor. You pulled out what you'd purchased the night before after getting off work.
When Perona saw it, her already wide eyes got even wider.

"Oh my God Y/N...are you serious? Are you sure?"

"I'm more than a month late. I know I've been taking birth control, but that's not always 100% and Killer and I weren't always careful, sometimes we did it raw."

"How often did you do that? Like twice about a month ago."


"I know! I know it was stupid!"

"I'm not mad at you I'm just shocked and I'm trying to figure out how to react." You took a breath.

"I'm going to take the test, will you stay here?"

"Of course I will!"

You'd never been so nervous to pee in your whole life! You sat there for what felt like forever before anything came out. When I finally did you didn't know whether to feel relieved or throw up. You put the lid back on and waited. You set a timer for 2 minutes, and went back to the bedroom with the stick facing down.

"So now what?" Perona was cuddling her cat close to her. Beast jumped up and laid his big head on your lap. At 6 months he was almost full grown. He seemed to know when you were feeling anxious or sad and he was always extra lovey when you felt that way. Your timer went off but you couldn't bring yourself to look at it.
"I'll look for you."

"Thanks Perona." She took the test from your hand and turned it over. The look she gave you said it all.

"I guess now I gotta figure out how to tell Killer."

"Then what?"

"No clue." You didn't know how he would handle the news.

"You could have an abortion." You shook your head.

"I'm not killing the baby. I can always do adoption of Killer doesn't want to be apart of the baby's life I'm willing to give this baby a home with a family."

"And if he wants to be a dad?" You smiled.

"I'd be okay starting a family with Killer. He'd be a great dad." Perona looked like she wanted to say something.

"Just don't get your hopes up."

"I'm not, I'm preparing for the worst. Just in case it happens." She hugged you close and you two sat there for another 10 minutes before you got the courage to text Killer.

You: Hey how's it going?

Killer: hey babe can't talk right now, busy. Love you

You: ok ttyl luv u 2


"He's busy. I'll text him tomorrow to see if he can meet up this weekend."

"Aren't the races in town? I thought they were going to have a booth to promote their shop?"

Meant for You-KillerXReader! AU Modern!Where stories live. Discover now