Moving out: Brother's POV

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"You sure this is okay Ace? He is your grandfather. He raised you and took you in." Thatch was helping Ace get settled into his new room. He still couldn't believe what Y/N had done. She knew he never wanted to take the damn medication, and yet she'd gone behind his back forcing him to take it. Fuck that.

"Yeah I'm sure. Can't be in the same house as her." That he nodded his head but didn't say anything else. In truth he couldn't believe his own sister would do that to him. None of his brothers would even try to do what she did. It kind of made him mad thinking about it.

A phone ringing made them both jump. Ace looked and smiled.

"Hey Luffy what's up?" Than his face soured again. "Figures probably doesn't think she did anything wrong. I can't believe we bought that bitch a puppy."

Whoa bitch? Little harsh.

"Yeah let me ask Pops and see what he says. No Luffy you can't go with Sabo, let him be with Koala. Yeah uh-huh no problem." Ace walked out and went to Pops' office.

"This is starting to get bad." Thatch said. Walking out into the hall

Two days after Luffy and Ace had moved in, Ace started bad mouthing his sister every chance he got. Luffy tried to play the middle man because she was his twin, while trying to get Ace to calm down. Pops was letting him vent. He'd let Marco and Thatch know that she'd tried to get in touch with Ace and he'd refused to talk to her. She did that for two weeks before giving up. No one can say she didn't try.

"Pops has she said anything as to why she did it?" Marco asked one morning before the boys got up.

"Not to me. She doesn't want me to play middle man. But Ace won't listen to her and won't take the phone when she calls. I'll give it to the little lady she doesn't give up."

"But you said she hasn't called in a few days yoi."

"She's making Ace reach out to her now."

"I doubt he'll do that. It's been almost 2 weeks and not even Luffy or Sabo have tried talking to her."

Pops nodded. He looked at the pills he was counting them.

"Ace hasn't been taking his meds. Has he been falling asleep more often." That he grew quiet, he didn't want to tell the old man that Ace had indeed fallen asleep and almost fallen off a 6 story building.
"I'll take your silence as a yes. So while what she did wasn't right, there was a reason why she did. Probably to avoid this situation that I'm about to put that boy in."

"What do you mean Pops?"

"An ultimatum. He either starts to take these on his own or I do what she did I hide them in his drink."

Marco and Thatch didn't want to think their old man would actually do that but they knew he would, of Ace continued to be stubborn he was going to learn real quick Pops was a brick wall no one wanted to fall on them.

They heard Luffy come running downstairs. His friend Ussop had been picking him up each morning to take him to school.

"Morning brat how'd you sleep." The kid had already shoved food in his mouth. And tried to talk with a mouth full of food.

"I swepf grit." Pops laughed they assumed he said he slept great. 10 minutes later and Ace still wasn't up and Luffy started for school.

"Hey kid how did your sister used to wake you guys up?" Luffy paused then became a little down. Thatch immediately regretting the choice to open his mouth.

"She used to spray Ace with a squirt gun of he didn't get up. Me too if I didn't wake up on time. But uh I gotta go Ussop's here and I have training after school today, Coach Shanks is treating me to dinner. Later."

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