Campfire Shenanigans & uninvited guest

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***side note-it was this picture that inspired this story. I wanted to write a book about the brothers loving a sister, and about how they deal with her love life. I don't know who the original artist is but thank you!****

"Let's play truth or dare!" Nami shouted.

"Sounds fun!" Luffy agreed. It was your version of hell.

"I have a stipulation. No daring anyone to hook up. And nothing that would be considered overly personal." You said.

"I agree yoi." Marco nodded. "Considering some of you are still in high school and not at the consenting age, we keep this as PG-13 as possible."

"Party poopers!" Nami squealed. "Fine I'll pick first! Y/N!" Fuck my life. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." She made a face, she clearly wanted to know a secret.

"I dare you to hug a stranger." You got up and went over to one of Ace's coworkers. You weren't sure but you thought his name was Izo, you hugged him. He returned it.

"Awe you're adorable! Ace honey you better watch over her. If you haven't had issues with men you very soon will." You blushed and before you could leave, Izo placed a chaste kiss on top of your head. People around laughed at his comment, while Ace and Sabo looked annoyed and Killer had an amused look on his face.

"Alright," you sat back down next to Killer. "Shaichi truth or dare?"


"I dare you to call Jean Bart and say you love him."

"What?!" Penguin started to laugh even Law smiled.

After Shaichi made that embarrassing phone call, Shaichi got back and dared Killer to kiss you. Which he did, on the cheek but it still had you turning red. Killer got Law to admit that hated bread. Which everyone thought he was wired. Ace admitted to only sleeping with one girl, Sabo was dared to declare his love for Koala in an over dramatic way, and Vivi was dared to give Koza a piggy back ride. That one ended with both of them on the ground.

"Alright, Luffy. Truth or dare?" Koza asked.

"Hmm truth." Wow you were shocked. Luffy usually jumped at the chance to do anything stupid.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?"

"What does that mean?" He asked. You, Ace and Sabo all face palmed. Everyone else just looked struck stupid.

"Luffy it means you like someone more than others. Like you mane excuses to be near them, you look for things to talk about, even if it's something you've already talked about. They're the first person you're excited to see, abc the one you're most sad to say goodbye to. And family doesn't count." You explained.

"Oh...uh yeah I do then. I have a crush on someone, but uh I don't have to say her name right?"

"Awe, no Luffy you don't. That's cool though." You cooed. Zoro patted his best friends shoulder and Vivi looked hopeful.

You all ended up playing truth or dare for the next hour. All while roasting marshmallows and drinking some more.

After that Ussop got so tipsy as did Bartolemeo that they began their own "live concert." It had everyone laughing. The night was getting colder. You shivered and rubbed your arms. Not a second later you felt a blanket draped over you, you looked up to see Killer smiling at you.

"That better?"

"Much." You drew the blanket around you more, and he sat next to you again, this time bringing you into his side. Holding you close.

Meant for You-KillerXReader! AU Modern!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن