Grandpa is coming home

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"Can you not smile like that it's creepy." Shaichi grumbled next to you. You both were studying for midterms, and he wanted to study with you. Perona was getting her designs ready. And you had your first fittings today. Killer was texting you as you worked. It'd been about three days since the party, and you were feeling the new relationship butterflies. Killer was funny, mature, and very honest. Plus he was really sexy, that was a nice plus!

"You two have sex yet?" Shaichi teased you.

"Oh my lord. We just agreed to date! Of course we didn't have sex yet. Do I seem like a sex fiend?"

"I consider you to be one of my best friends Y/N, safe to say I never thought of you that way."


"Don't even pretend like that hurts your feelings."

"I'm kidding, I love you the same way I love my brothers."

"That I can live with!" You both laughed. Your phone vibrated, and you saw your Granpa's number.

"Hi Gramps."

"Hi sweetie! How's it going?"

"Studying with Shaichi. What's going on?"

"I'm getting in tonight at 11pm. Could you ask one of your brothers to pick me up?"

"I can pick you up Gramps. Since midterms are coming up classes are pretty much self study."

"You sure pumpkin? I know you're working tonight."

"Yeah Gramps, I get my car back today I've been dying to drive it again!"

"Hahahaha alright pumpkin I'll see you tonight."

"Love you Gramps." You hung up and looked at Shaichi.

"You mind taking me to the shop to get my car? Since you brought your car today?"

"You mind giving me some gas money?"

"Nope." After an hour of studying you went to the arts section of the college to get your measurements done.

"What is your fucking problem?!" You heard Perona's voice and it didn't sound happy.

"How did you get the models? I made sure you wouldn't have anyone to model for you?"

"Unlike you Boa I have a friend who cares about me and she decided to ask people for me. And they agreed to model for me."

"Who's this friend I'll make sure she's black listed as well! Along with everyone who agreed to help you! Unless you just got your Sugar Daddy Mihawk to do it for you. And how sad is that?"

Now you were pissed. You didn't care if someone bad mouthed you, when it came down to the people around you though, yeah you went from chill to bitch rather quickly. You stomped over and rather savagely opened the door.

"Hey Perona I'm here for my measurements." You looked over at Boa Hancock, while she was tall and gorgeous her bitchy attitude made any attractiveness go away. She also looked at you like you were roadkill left on the highway to rot.

"This is one of your models? I guess desperate times call for desperate measures." She sneered at you. You decided to ignore her completely.

"Sabo is going to be by with Luffy, Zoro and Nami in a little while. You mind if we get started?"

"Don't ignore me bitch!!"

"Sorry were you here? I thought I smelled something foul, I thought a skunk came and sprayed. But it's just you...who are you?"

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