thirty one.

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Streetlights lined the road, shining their glare on the sleek, black car gliding past them. Quiet music floated through the inside, as Jeongguk smoothly turned into his neighborhood. Taehyung wasn't with him tonight; he said he needed to finish up a presentation and didn't want to disturb him by staying over.

It was only one night and he already missed the boy dearly, being met with cold in the familiar place next to him, instead of Taehyung's pretty smile. Jeongguk turned the music down softer as he drove up to his house and parked in his driveway. 

Jeongguk heaved a sigh as he carried himself and his things through the doorway to his house. It was a long day at the office, so Mina had already gone home for the day. Without her or Taehyung, the house reeked of loneliness and the silence was deafening to Jeongguk's ears. 

He made his way up the stairs to his bedroom, shedding his bag, coat, and shoes somewhere along the way. He dropped himself onto the bed and gave another long sigh. It was just one of those days when the color of the night drained away, leaving a gray aftertaste. 

Jeongguk's eyes lit up, a thought stirring up in his mind. He crossed the room to his closet and dug through a stack of clothes. 

The pretty box came into view, and Jeongguk tenderly lifted it up, carrying it back to the bed. After he was seated, he tucked his fingers underneath the cover, lifting it to see the pretty necklace, engraved with their names set in gold. 

- TK -

Even in the dimmed light, it shined into Jeongguk's eyes and lit up his smile. He shut the case and held it up to his chest. He glanced to the glowing blue light of his alarm clock, the date displayed next to the late night hour.

December 28th 

Only two days left. The most special person in Jeongguk's life was going to remember his birthday this year. He was going to show him his love in every way possible. 

Jeongguk stood and walked to the mini-fridge at the edge of the wall, pulling out a bottle of liquor. He poured himself a glass, and raised it up to the empty room. His voice was quiet as he spoke...

"To the one who brought happiness into my life again, my loving light, Kim Taehyung..."

- - -

Taehyung sighed and shut his laptop down for the night, having completed his project. He sat back in his chair, running his slender fingers through his rumpled silver hair. His eyes looked around the empty room and he listened to the silence that echoed around his house. 

He longed to have Jeongguk beside him, flashing him a smile and pressing kisses onto his lips. 

Taehyung laid his head back and smiled, closing his eyes and slowly shutting the world out. An image of his lover appeared before his eyes, holding him in his embrace. The warmth sent shudders through Taehyung's body and disappointment clouded his eyes when he opened them to find his fantasy gone. 

He stood and changed, slipping on a loose shirt and leaving his lower half in boxers. Falling onto his mattress, Taehyung threw an arm over his eyes, feeling his muscles loosen and his eyelids droop. Just as he was on the verge of falling asleep, his ringtone blared from his phone beside him. 

He groaned and picked up, without looking at the caller ID.


"Now, that's no way to greet your father."

Taehyung widened his eyes and apologized.

"Appa! I'm sorry, I just finished something up and I'm a bit tired..."

"Yes I know, son. You're very busy nowadays, I'm sorry for bothering you..."

"It's nothing like that, Appa. I'm awake, tell me what you wanted to say."

"I just wanted to wish you 'happy birthday', son. I wanted to spend some time with you tomorrow... That is if you aren't busy..."

Taehyung flushed and smiled wide.

"Of course, Appa! I would love to, maybe if Jeongguk—"

"No! Not anyone else!"


"I-I mean, you'll have your actual birthday to celebrate with your friends. Can't you spare the day before for your father?"

"O-oh, I'm sorry Appa. Yes, of course. I meet you tomorrow..."

"Wonderful, thank you, Taehyung."

"Of course, good night Appa."

"Sleep well, son."

Taehyung waited for the other line to hang up, before setting his phone down. He burst in a series of smiles and giggles, feeling happiness bubble in his stomach. 

His life honestly couldn't get better at this point. He had gained the ones he had lost and found new ones along the way. He wanted it to last for as long as it could. 

Taehyung fell back against his pillow again, a smile still gracing his lips as he fell asleep.

Just wanted it to last...


hi guys <3

i know im sorry for the wait

my grandmother isnt well (prayers pls)

and i've had to deal with a lot of stuff lately

and i haven't really had the time or inspiration

im sowee


- cks

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