thirty three.

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The gray had lifted by the time Taehyung stepped out of the taxi at the all too familiar park. Bright fluffy clouds dotted the sky with the sun peeking out from them as they passed. The winter chill was still in the air, but the light ambiance was heightened at the park, the air filling with laughter and love. 

If there was ever a 'perfect day', this wouldn't be far from the top of the list. It mocked Taehyung, trying to rub salt onto whatever happened some time ago. He held his coat closer and kept his head down.

Somehow, he had still managed to get there just in time for their get-together. 

But his mind was far away from the park, still with Jeongguk back at his apartment. 

How could they say that? They had no right to accuse his father!

But they would only want the best, and they have no reason to lie...

And Jeongguk....

Taehyung paused and let out a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He had spent the whole ride here thinking about what happened and what he could have said but didn't say. He had thought of asking the driver to turn back twice, and had stopped himself both times. 

He shouldn't have raised his voice like that, he should't have lost his temper....

Taehyung felt his his eyes sting and he sat down on a nearby bench, letting his hair brush over his eyes. He wanted more than anything to go back and gather his lover in a hug and apologize a hundred times, over and over.

But he was right, wasn't he...? 

They were the ones who couldn't handle Taehyung with his father, something he's yearned for since the last 15 years. His sister, who can't bear to stay in Korea, and his father were only ones he could call his own. 

Granted, he did change from a homophobic, abusive parent, to a calm and accepting one, but shouldn't Taehyung be happy about that and not reserved?

Maybe, even the smallest bit, his father could have missed him in those 15 years. So, he changed and became a better parent.

The others just couldn't see that. 


The hoarse voice made him snap his head up. He followed the voice to the figure of a man a few meters away from where he was standing. His mind cleared for a second and he stood to greet his father, smile bright on his face.

"Hello, Appa..."

"What's wrong? You don't look your best today..."

"It's nothing, just an argument..."

"Arguing? On your birthday? Now that doesn't sound very nice."

Taehyung chuckled bitterly.

"They were just being selfish that's all, Appa."

"Oh no, Taehyung. They aren't the selfish ones."

Taehyung looked up confused. He couldn't have heard that right.

"No, Appa, they were convinced that I shouldn't have come here to meet you. But I came anyway, because I'm here for you. I won't leave you..."

His father was silent for so long that Taehyung stopped their stroll, looking over at the other male.

"Appa, are you alright?"

"You shouldn't have denied them, son."

"Wh-what? What do y-you mean?"

Mr. Kim turned with a menacing look in his eyes. He looked behind Taehyung, smirking. Taehyung turned too, catching sight of three large men, clad in black, approaching them. Taehyung looked back, bewildered. 

"A-appa? Who are they...?"

But, he was met with a hard punch to his stomach, throwing him to the ground. Taehyung groaned and looked up at his father, who had punched him. Memories came to mind from his dark childhood, and he felt tears wet his cheeks. 

"You shouldn't have trusted me, son. I never loved you, and I never will."

The three men were next to him now, yanking him up with iron grips. Taehyung fought against their animal-like strength with all of his remaining will, but his father's revelation had drained everything out of him. He looked around, willing someone to hear his calls of help, but their secluded corner was hidden to all eyes. His father watched his struggle, his eyes void of any emotion.

 "Pathetic, just like your slutty mother."

Taehyung managed to choke words out before he fell limp in the men's arms. 

"How c-could y-you...?"

Mr. Kim smirked and looked at him with cruel, dark orbs. 

"Lights out, you little shit."

Something jabbed into Taehyung's neck, and he cried out, the sound fading as soon as it left his lips. His eyes gave out to tunnel vision and his limbs lost feeling. The last thing he saw was his father standing over him, with a devilish smile painted onto his stark face. Taehyung managed to mouth a last plead for help before descending into the comforting darkness.


In the distance, a disturbed woman was quickly dialing a number, holding the phone up to her ear, calling the one who could help save the helpless boy.


boy do i love cliffhangers

i had to search up the hemisphere korea was in cuz i didnt want to get the season wrong

but its north so it is winter :)

i love wintertime ❄︎

im talking like i didn't just write a whole ass kidnapping scene


- cks

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