Chapter 2

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Erin stood in the room where she lived for nine years.

It was empty, after the furniture and luggage were taken out, but it was such a beautiful room that was dazzling even though it was empty.

A marble floor with lily patterns and a glittering chandelier hanging from the ceiling with colorful gold workpieces decorated with light green walls.

Maybe she'll never come back.

Now she lived as a mistress of the palace, familiar with familiar furniture.

I never thought I'd live like this when I was young.

Erin's father was originally a poor knight.

He was the second son of Marquis Brecia and married an immigrant baker. He was expelled from the family for reasons.

My mother, who was a baker working in a local shop, was an immigrant from the north, Erdan. According to the classification standards of the Empire, she was a low-class citizen with no family or property.

The eyes of the people around them were not good, but they were still very happy.

Thanks to this, Erin's childhood was also filled with colorful memories.

Like a former baker, her mother made her own food every day and made sweet desserts.

Erin learned how to make bread and cookies for fun by helping her mother.
Young Erin liked to make cakes and bake bread.

My mother taught me how to bake a cake in the kitchen, where white flour would turn white every day.

It was good to see the dough in the oven swell up round.

It was fun to make rose petals with white cream like snow, and to make dark chocolate out of cacao beans with a pungent scent.

"Erin is really talented."

With a proud look, the mother took out Erin's little scone from the tray.

As soon as I took a bite, the scone, which was hard, broke down and broke down, and the smell of sweet butter spread out in my mouth.

Every time I chewed, the soft bread melted gently at the tip of my tongue.

Erin hurriedly ate one whole thing.

Mother smiled and whispered to Erin.

"It's a secret, but in fact, we Erdans have a better taste than the Empire."


"Yes, so Erin could make a delicious cake, too."

"Yes! I'm going to be a cake maker

Erin smiled happily and nodded her head.

"I want to have a shop full of cakes one day."

I also learned how to make cakes and snacks while studying with such dreams.

It was a simple and happy life even though I wasn't rich.

But that happiness disappeared in vain when Erin was 19 years old.

That year, his cousin , who was the Marquis of Brecia, died in a carriage accident.

The uncle, who was the former marquis,
had lived a desolate life and died of illness.

The uncle had only one cousin brother, and the cousin had no children.

There were no relatives in the family who could become successors. Inevitably, Erin's father took over the marquis.

a divorced evil lady bakes cakes Where stories live. Discover now