Chapter 10

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I got everything I wanted.

Erin walked down the hall to get back to the store.

As I walked, there was a man walking from the far end of the hall. He looked like a nobleman in his clothes.

Erin slipped aside when she passed without much thought.

Maybe I could meet someone who recognizes my face, but I wondered if it had anything to do with it or not. She's not even the Duchess anymore.

It was when I tried to pass by thinking so. Suddenly the man grabbed Erin by the wrist.

When I stopped walking and turned around, the man's face was blurred under the lamp in the hallway. There was a strange face.

It was a man who looked a little chubby and roughly cut potatoes.

He looked stubborn, and, frankly, grumpy, and above all, his eyes were a bit of a mockery.
He was very well dressed, but he was not able to see any serious or serious corners.
It was a feeling of .

Well, I thought it would be weird if the aristocrats in and out of the gambling house looked sincere and solemn.

"What's the matter?"

As politely as possible, I asked him.

"What's wrong with you?" and the man asked, looking at Erin.

"How much are you?"


Erin laughed unconsciously. I was so dumbfounded that I started laughing.

That said, this was a gambling house frequented by aristocrats. I'm sure prostitutes and cortisans will come and go.

This man seemed to mistake Erin for a prostitute.
There wasn't time to be given the useless distance from a place like this.

Erin smiled lightly and pulled out the man's wrist.

"It's more expensive than your life."

I didn't want to go further, so I tried to pass by, but the man rushed quickly and grabbed Erin by the wrist again.

(n/t: lpm juat kick him)

"Why are you being so cold? I don't think you're a lady, but if you're a lady who goes in and out of the gambling hall, there's no way I don't know your face."

Of course you don't. Erin's never been in or out of a gambling place.

Erin also didn't know who the man was.
It looks like a low-class nobleman who can't afford to visit the palace, so we don't need to know who each other is.

A glistening glance swept her body up and down. Erin was horrified at the moment.
"Let it go."

Erin tried to dislodge the seized wrist. But the man grabbed his wrist and wouldn't let go.

"Come on, I won't let you be upset... ...Aw!"

Erin lifted her dress with her hand and kicked the man with one foot like a lightning bolt.
Exactly at the shins. Hard enough to sound.

The man fell on the floor screaming.


The man stared at Erin, shaking with indignation. A hateful voice leaked out of his mouth

"You, you low-born bitch..."

Erin raised her eyebrows for a moment. The opponent still seemed to recognize Erin as a prostitute.

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