Chapter 7

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Raymond looked at Serena as she slept with an expressionless face.

By the time he was a teenager, Raymond kept Serena by his side for fun.

Serena was the most beautiful of the nobility of the capital, and she was passionate to look good to Raymond.

Raymond answered roughly and tried to send Serena back.


At that moment, an unexpected sound of voice interrupted.

There was a young man standing at the end of the hall. Everyone's eyes were on him.

It was a young man who looked about 24 years old. Dark black hair and deep blue eyes twinkled.

Slowly he came to Raymond's place. with an ecstatic beauty and a innocent smile.

Raymond frowned slightly, annoyingly, and called his name.


Calix. Raymond's only brother, and second in line to the throne, was Grand Duke Royten

Carlix was not originally Raymond's brother.

The Grand Duke of Royten, a family separated from the royal family a long time ago, has been treated like a royal family for generations.

Calix's father, the former Grand Prince, died after losing his friend, the Prince.

The prince adopted Calix, the only son of an orphaned archduke, to repay his friend's sacrifice.

Thanks to this, Carlix became a member of the royal family with the title of Grand Duke.

Callis had a attractive appearance, but he had a little boyish look on her face to match her age.

Raymond was a complete adult man, but Calix was a young man who had a good time.
But he looked better than his brother.

N/t: that is obvious

Calix, who was approaching Raymond, smiled as bright as ever.

"Long time no see, brother."

"I thought you were by your Majesty's side."

Even though he was not his grandson, the old Emperor, was for his cuteness by wrapping and turning around Calix.

The emperor always wanted to keep Calix by his side.

But Carlix always wandered from place to place at his own way.

If he didn't go somewhere, he didn't come to the capital often to play in his own territory.

But this time, when the emperor heard that he was going to the battlefield for the first time in a long time, he went to the south.

That was three months ago.

To Raymond's hard question, Calix
folded his eyes and answered happily.

"The atmosphere there was bad, so I came to the capital first. My grandfather was in a bad mood, so everyone was just looking at him. It's so suffocating that I can't stand it."

Raymond's aides hardened their complexion at the words.

No one knew what made the emperor feel bad.

Raymond still looked indifferent.

Selena, who had been wary of the brothers, bowed to Calix belatedly to ease the tense atmosphere.

"I see your Royal Highness. It's been a long time since you came to the capital."

Serena greeted him, but Calix approached Raymond without even looking back.

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